I really wanted to like it because I love a good surreal train book but it was a little too much for me.
I really wanted to like it because I love a good surreal train book but it was a little too much for me.
This book made me so anxious in the best way possible. I loved it. Apparently intergenerational family stories are my wheelhouse.
Slaughterhouse Five is maybe my favorite book and I am absolutely loving this graphic novel adaptation.
A very important look into the everyday lives of everyday Palestinians.
This book is moving a little too slowly for me, but I like all the characters.
I could barely read the last forty pages I was crying so much. An amazing, amazing book.
I really wanted to love this book because it‘s got time travel, is epistolary, has lots of nature references, and is a romance. But it just didn‘t do it for me. It‘s beautiful and I think people should read it if they like any of the above things, but it wasn‘t the book I wanted it to be.
This should be required reading.
A Native American woman‘s memoir about her time working in Bolivia with the Peace Corps. Very thought provoking and emotional.
I liked it in the end but it took such a long time to get going and there were so many different plot threads. It was a little longer than it needed to be.
Very exciting! Only one left in the series and I can‘t wait to find out how it all ends.
This novel is so compelling and disturbing. It‘s about a dystopic future where all animals have contracted a virus, so in order to survive, governments start breeding and processing people. And the whole thing is written in such a matter-of-fact way that it seems like it‘s all totally normal. I can‘t put it down, even though almost every page grosses me out and disturbs me.
Starting a new book while the youngster works on handwriting.
A fun little Middle Grade thriller by one of my favorite authors.
A good middle-grade book by an Indigenous author about Navajo mythology. Fun to read and learn about other cultures!
This one is taking me a while to get through it....It‘s a very heavy memoir.
“I should have known: destiny is a pretty story we tell ourselves. Lurking beneath it there are only people, and the terrible choices we make.”
It‘s not often I finish a book in one sitting these days but I loved this!! Sweet and sexy and made fun of Game of Thrones — what else do you need?
It‘s not what I would call a Good Book, but it is definitely a Fun Book!
This book was very “eh”. Parts of it were really interesting but other parts were boring and random. And the ending came out of nowhere. But it was kinda fun and did make me feel a real emotion occasionally.
Yes, yes I do wish I was there.
“Maybe even the most seemingly perfectly intense or worthwhile lives ultimately felt the same. Acres of disappointment and monotony and hurts and rivalries but with flashes of wonder and beauty. Maybe that was the only meaning that mattered. To be the world, witnessing itself.”
I didn‘t like it as much as In a Dark, Dark Wood, but it‘s much better than the other Ruth Wares I have read. A haunted house story is always a good time.
“Maybe, in the end, love is all we have left, in peace or in war, to make the surviving worthwhile.”
This book is way too long and Edward and Bella are the least interesting characters. But parts of it were fun, at least.
“Over time, the ghosts of things that happened start to turn distant; once they‘ve cut you a couple of million times, their edges blunt on your scar tissue, they wear thin. The ones that slice like razors forever are the ghosts of things that never got the chance to happen.”
Not my favorite of the series so far, but they can‘t all be winners.
“This is why we are on this earth;
to learn how to love each other,
to learn how to love and hold ourselves.”
It reminds me of another favorite quote of mine by Vonnegut: “The purpose of a human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.”
“Sometimes we think a person doesn‘t need to hear something because it‘s obvious, because they know what‘s in our hearts. But that‘s not how the world works. We have to say the things.”
If I didn‘t know this was nonfiction, I‘d think it was totally made up. The stuff Weinstein(and co.) to cover up his crimes is truly unbelievable.
A good short read, and it‘s always good to see the right people win.
It took me a bit to really get into the story, but once I did I was entranced. The prose is amazing and I love reading multigenerational stories set in places I don‘t know.
Reading this collection of short stories so soon after having read Difficult Women is weird. Tremblay writes horror stories, and while I will admit that some of these have made me particularly uncomfortable, Gay‘s short stories were much more horrifying because they were much more likely to actually happen. That said, Tremblay is a great writer and when the stories are scary, they are SCARY.
“And sometimes right and wrong was nothing more than a gram held up to the eye, the view always changing depending on who held it.”
Trying to potty train the toddler and it is NOT going well. So I‘m going to read this book and try not to be frustrated.
I really like the way Oluo writes. I feel like this is an important book to read right now. Although, having read several books like this in the past few years, it hits on a lot of topics I am familiar with, so it‘s not the most in depth book. It is meant to be a starter book, I think, so that probably works in its favor. Anyway, it‘s a good book so far, helpful and well written.
A collection of short stories about, well, difficult women and the lives they lead. Some are truly disturbing and others sadly seem like the average woman‘s life. I‘m glad I‘m reading this but it is a bit depressing, especially in this year when everything is going wrong already. As always, though, Roxane Gay is a phenomenal author.
“A toast! To new beginnings, in fear and faith and all it tinges. To love is a dare, when hope and despair, are gates upon it hinges.”
“Change always comes with a closing cost.... But it‘s still worth trying. Not because the odds are particularly good, mind you, but considering the alternative. There‘s value in the struggle. Value in touching the raw and bloody parts of our souls, opening them up to the sunlight, and hoping they heal.”
First book of the year and it was a doozy! I am trying to be more involved in activism this year and this book opened my eyes to a completely new area. Definitely recommend this book.