Starting this tonight!
Second half went faster than the first. Definitely wasn‘t expecting the surprise right at the end.
Although it does stretch realism, it was a wonderful story with rich characters. I did cry twice.
Loving this novel so far! I love getting the octopus‘ perspective.
Once I got into the people dying, I was interested. Definitely didn‘t expect the ending!
I love this Detective Tracy Crosswhite series! Here‘s the latest. I‘ve also got my stack of books and reading buddy.
I really enjoyed this one! There are characters to hate but your perception changes throughout the book. There is definitely a twist!
I wanted so much to like this book because the premise was great. But it was just so boring....I finally bailed.
Good book but depressing to think about how nothing‘s really changed when it comes to rape victims and trials.
The constant stringing out “oh I have to tell. No I‘ll tell later” got aggravating. I just didn‘t find this book on par with the suspense like her others.
This book was good once it got going. I was so angry with one of the characters for the entire novel.
Parts of the book frustrated me — mainly because of the characters but you really shouldn‘t like them. I hated that the past portions weren‘t in alphabetical order and that they switched perspectives every page and a half.
I read this in less 12 hours. I wanted to know what would happen.
The first hundred pages went slow. Once the man started talking, it finally picked up and I wanted to keep reading.
I didn‘t like this one as much as her other two. It was a bit too sexually graphic for me and the premise was odd.
A fitting end to the trilogy although I do think it could‘ve been wrapped up in two books.
I got so irritated with the main character mid-novel.
I‘ve had a hard time getting into this one so I‘m putting it aside for now.
I got through this one fast. I enjoyed it though parts of the main character made me want to scream.
I enjoyed the other novel by her that I read so I‘m sure I‘ll enjoy this one. Probably a fast read.
The premise of this novel sounds awesome! Excited to start it.
I just wasn‘t into this novel. There were surprises but I am still left with meh.
I‘m having a hard time getting into this one. It feels like nothing happens. Anyone else read it?
This is my next read. I‘m on a roll this week, barreling through them.
I don‘t remember the last time I was so ANGRY that I wanted to shout and throw a book against the wall. This happened within the first 20 pages. Not because of the book itself but what‘s going on in it. Lord, help me get through this one. Can anyone relate?
This is my kind of book! I‘m flying through it and enjoying every page. I hope the ending doesn‘t disappoint!
It took me awhile to get into this one. Maybe it was all the tech talk. The ending was surprising, though. Definitely liked the author‘s previously novels better.
I‘m enjoying this one so far. I‘m at the point of wanting to know what happened.
I really struggled to get through 2/3 of the book. Maybe it was the business scenes and talk that didn‘t interest me. But the last 1/3 went by quickly—basically after there was a dead body.
I‘m not really caring for the Sara chapters but I know it‘s important to the story.