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The Only Survivors
The Only Survivors: A Novel | Megan Miranda
From the New York Times bestselling author of All the Missing Girls and master of suspense, Megan Miranda (Mary Kubica, New York Times bestselling author of The Good Girl), a thrilling mystery about a group of former classmates who reunite to mark the tenth anniversary of a tragic accidentonly to have one of the survivors disappear, casting fear and suspicion on the original tragedy. Seven hours in the past. Seven days in the present. Seven survivors remaining. Who would you save? A decade ago, two vans filled with high school seniors on a school service trip crashed into a Tennessee ravinea tragedy that claimed the lives of multiple classmates and teachers. The nine students who managed to escape the river that night were irrevocably changed. A year later, after one of the survivors dies by suicide on the anniversary of the crash, the rest of them make a pact: to come together each year to commemorate that terrible night. To keep one another safe. To hold one another accountable. Or both. Their annual meeting place, a house on the Outer Banks, has long been a refuge. But by the tenth anniversary, Cassidy Bent has worked to distance herself from the tragedy, and from the other survivors. Shes changed her mobile number. Shes blocked the others email addresses. This year, she is determined to finally break ties once and for all. But on the day of the reunion, she receives a text with an obituary attached: another survivor is gone. Now they are sevenand Cassidy finds herself hurling back toward the group, wild with griefand suspicion. Almost immediately, something feels off this year. Cassidy is the first to notice when Amaya, annual organizer, slips away, overwhelmed. This wouldnt raise alarm except for the impending storm. Suddenly, theyre facing the threat of closed roads and surging watersagain. Then Amaya stops responding to her phone. After all theyve been through, she wouldnt willfully make them worry. Would she? Andas they promised long agoeach survivor will do whatever he or she can do to save one another. Wont they? A propulsive and chilling locked-box mystery filled with the dazzling hairpin twists that are the authors signature, The Only Survivors is New York Times-bestselling author Megan Mirandas best novel yet.
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Lots of actions and lots of people involved. We have an accident with high school students, many who died as a result of. There‘s an annual weekly reunion at a beach house. Most of these young women and men would rather be just about anywhere else. There are secrets, lies, and suicide. There‘s lots to hide. Unexpected circumstances seem around every corner. What will happen and secrets be revealed? 4/5

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The book came today @robinb
Of course I‘m running late with mine @TheAromaofBooks but hope to get it in the mail by the end of this week or latest Monday.
@bookandbedandtea #lmpbc

bookandbedandtea @ElizaMarie I went to the post office after work but there 42 (!) people in line and the line did not move an inch for 10 minutes. 😖 I left and will go again tomorrow. 2mo
robinb Great! Glad it made it! 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! @bookandbedandtea I mailed The Recovery Agent to you yesterday - hopefully it actually arrives!!!!! I kept the tracking number this time 😑 2mo
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ElizaMarie @bookandbedandtea I am going out of town till June 2nd. So ... of course no rush. Also... wow 42 people! Intense!!!! 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Great! I'll be watching for it. And I still have my fingers crossed that the postal service will find the previous one under some cabinet and it will still show up sometime. 🤞🏻 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks The Recovery Agent has arrived, Sarah! 🎉 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - yay!! At least one book made it there 😂 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Hey!!! I had a crazy weekend and forgot to let you know that Murder on the Tracks arrived safely!!! 2mo
Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks I just realized I never mailed this back to you! I‘m so sorry - I will send it along with the next book if that‘s ok - too many books lying around here! 2w
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! That's totally fine - I literally thought the other day that I should tell you do that to save on postage and then I spaced 😂 @bookandbedandtea doesn't realize it yet but that's what is happening with her book as well LOL definitely planning to send them both before the end of July!! 2w
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks You made me laugh! No rush 😄 2w
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - I kept thinking, I need to either mail this OR let Paula know I'm going to mail it later... but neither of those things seemed to happen 😂 2w
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It‘s on its way @Jerdencon . Hopeful arrival by next Wednesday 5/29. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! @bookandbedandtea I'm going to mail the next book to you hopefully today. I'll keep the tracking number 🙃 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Sounds great! I'll watch for it next week. 😊 (not your fault the last one has gone astray 📭) 2mo
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This was my #LMPBC so I won‘t give a detailed review until later to avoid any spoilers for my group. 😊 I did enjoy it though.

I‘ll be getting this in the mail sometime this week @Jerdencon . I‘ll update when it‘s on its way.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! @bookandbedandtea did the missing book ever show up??? 2mo
Jerdencon Looking forward to it! 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks No! I keep hoping but nothing yet. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - Oh no!!! I can't believe I lost the tracking information the one time it's gone astray! 😭 @Jerdencon hopefully it isn't lost forever!!! Your book is the one currently missing!!! 2mo
Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks hopefully it shows up…. But these things happen! 2mo
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It‘s here, safe and sound! 😊👍 @bookandbedandtea



bookandbedandtea Hallelujah! 🧡 3mo
TheAromaofBooks This book is serious about traveling 😂 3mo
Jerdencon @robinb forgot to tell you the book came! 3mo
robinb @Jerdencon 😂😂👍 (edited) 3mo
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#LMPBC @Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks @robinb

I've just put this in the mail. I triple checked that I sent it to the right place. 🥴

Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks I never made it to the post office before we left for Norway - but will be home tomorrow and will get it in the mail by Tuesday the latest! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon - No worries. I probably can find a few other books to keep me occupied until then 😂 3mo
robinb Thanks! Looking forward to getting it. :) 3mo
bookandbedandtea @robinb I am absolutely filled with anxiety. I am worried about having screwed it up again even though I checked multiple times. 😵‍💫 3mo
robinb @bookandbedandtea No worries!! I‘m sure it will arrive safe and sound. I‘ll be sure to let you know. 😊👍 3mo
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Seven survivors of a school bus tragedy meet once a year for a week to mourn and keep an eye on each other. When one kills himself before the next reunion and another goes missing they must figure out who wants them dead. I didn‘t see the ending coming at all!


3.5 ⭐️ I love Miranda books so much- they‘re light thriller with twists and turns. Cassidy and a group of friends get together every year to commemorate the tragic accident they were all in their senior year of high school. The group of 11 is down to 9… 8?…7? What is happening and why are they dying one by one..?!

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Nothing mind blowing, but a fun locked room mystery. A solid and believable twist.

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“There were things I had done to avoid this reunion.” #firstlinefridays


Second half went faster than the first. Definitely wasn‘t expecting the surprise right at the end.

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Catching up on some #BOTMBacklog before the end of the year, this thriller makes for a quick read. With a past and present storyline, Cassidy mostly narrates this tale of the group of surviving students who made it out of a terrible accident. For the past decade, they have reunited on the Outer Banks but this year it‘s clear that something more is going on and secrets are spilling out. It moves a bit slowly at first but then picks up by the end!

kezzlou85 Love your display. 8mo
TorieStorieS @kezzlou85 Thank you so much!! All pumpkins are back in their boxes now to make room winter/holiday decor! 8mo
kezzlou85 @TorieStorieS ooh I hope you post a picture. 8mo
TorieStorieS @kezzlou85 Will do!! I feel like every season that I switch out decor, I say that this is my favorite season, but I really do think this is my favorite season of decorations! 🤣 8mo
kezzlou85 @TorieStorieS I know what you mean. I think it's my favourite season for decorations I love the colours. 8mo
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

“There were things I had done to avoid this reunion.”

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This was definitely not my favorite by this author. I never connected with any of the characters so I didn‘t really care about them or the mystery. There was one really good twist at the end though!

#scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal 601 pts
#trickortreatathon #31by31 #bookspinbingo #falling4books #readysetgoreadathon #RushAThon #spookoween #promptmaze #pumpkinspicereadathon #swiftieerasghostreadingchallenge

Bookwormjillk 🎃👻🎃👻 10mo
TheSpineView Well done! 10mo
Catsandbooks 👍🏼🎃💜 10mo
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Emilymdxn It looks gorgeous next to the flowers at least! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks I've had mixed results with this author, but keep coming back for more 😂 9mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 9mo
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⭐️⭐️.5- I won‘t remember this book in a few months. Not bad, not great, and it passed the time. There were parts that were def intriguing and kept me turning the pages, but the overall twist was a little flat. I had difficulty picturing the ravine accident with the busses, which was super frustrating each time we went back to that night since it was a main focus of events. #botm

Megabooks 💯💯 agree! 10mo
BookwormAHN Also agree! 9mo
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Twisty and entertaining! At the 10th anniversary reunion at Outer Banks commemorating a tragic accident for students and their teachers, the survivors meet at a big beach house called The Shallows. Making assumptions can be dangerous. Even when a large group is at the same event, they will each experience it in their own unique way (phenomenology).

#SummerEndReadathon Day 22 @TheSpineView
#RushAThon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
TheSpineView Well done!🤩📖📚 10mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🙏🏻🤗 10mo
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Eggs @TheSpineView 🤗🙏🏻 10mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
Eggs @Andrew65 💗🙏🏻🧡 10mo
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I liked this atmospheric story but was more interested in the characters and their survivor guilt than the actual mystery …I‘m fortunate my teenage self never experienced a trauma causing my adult self to question whether I deserve anything but goodness.

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#27 of 2023! #BOTM April 2023
Still playing catch up 😂
Started: 8/21/23
Finished: 8/27/23
7 Days

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I finished this bc I really thought it had to have some really good twists and turns. It seems so silly, you save yourself and then save who you can.🥴. Has anyone else read this? Read it fast but don‘t know if it was worth it! Secrets are the killers!

JamieArc I agree. The big secrets didn‘t seem that shocking. I liked the setting though. 11mo
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Today I am reading….

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I read this in two days. Mostly because it was due back at the library. But it was good enough to get rid of my book hangover. It was a bit predictable, but I needed to know if I was right. I was, but the ending was still a bit of a surprise.

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This one wasn‘t for me. A then and now thriller in which neither timeline was particularly propulsive. I knew who ‘the bad guy‘ was early on - I just didn‘t know exactly why,

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Megan Miranda never let‘s me down when I am looking for a compelling mystery. Although this doesn‘t quite reach the heights of The Last House Guest, or The Girl from Widow Hills, her latest novel is no exception. It‘s atmospheric and uses dual timelines to manage the slow reveal effectively. Just what I needed.

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Book #63
There are a few genuine surprises throughout this one. Also notable is the theme of survival: when given the choice, who do you save? The storyline may be a teensy bit contrived, but it's worth it for the entertainment factor.

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Next row in my #readinglogsnake is The Only Survivors. This was a slow burn thriller about a group of former classmates that survived a horrific accident during a trip and preform a yearly pilgrimage to reunite and keep each other safe. Ten years later, 2 are dead and 1 has gone missing at the beginning of the reunion. The story was interesting, but I felt the ending was a let down. 3/5 ⭐️ #ARRCReads #BooksAndCrafts

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Sigh. A very slow burn that, for me, just didn't have the payoff at the end that I was waiting for. The 9 (now 7) survivors of a horrific accident back in high school reunite every year on the anniversary, ostensibly to help each other through, but more as a renewal of a pact to keep the secrets of what truly happened that night. Unfortunately, the big secret fell pretty flat for me. The characters also felt flat. Glad it's done.

Kboltz Same results!!!🥴 11mo
ShyBookOwl @Kboltz LOL glad it's not just me 11mo
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I enjoyed this thriller about a group of high school kids who survived an accident that binded them together, and now, years later, they have met up for their own reunion. But one of them goes missing, and secrets are starting to come out.

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On a thriller binge lately. #botm

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In the end, kind of pointless. And the lead up didn‘t give enough information or character-building to even make me very curious.

I think a lot could be gained by opening the book with a news clipping or some perceptions from the public about the accident in question. At least start with some context to peak interest and curiosity about what went wrong or which truths are in question.


I liked the characters and the premise. I think it could have been even darker, instead of a string of accidents, an intentional unaliving would have been really juicy.

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This was just okay. It felt more mystery than thriller and I just kept waiting for something (anything...) to happen. The locale was my favorite part of this story.

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2/5 ⭐

It was okay. Not my favorite. I feel like not much happened or was happening. The story felt meh to me.

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Bookhaul 📚❤️

Currently reading The Only Survivors and Anna Maria and The Fox. ☺️

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Megan Miranda has done it again. I loved this book. It‘s the tenth anniversary of a tragic accident. Cassidy Bent reluctantly joins her fellow survivors in their yearly commemoration of the event. But all is not as it seems. Alternating between the present and the past at the time of the incident, we learn truths about what really happened. It‘s not what you expect. And it‘s so good. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Today‘s #bookmail !

I‘ve read and really enjoyed all of these and decided to get copies for my shelves at the office.

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This is the first time I have finished a #BOTM book in the same month I received it! 😂 I don‘t usually get thrillers, but the Outer Banks setting hooked me. Overall, I was a bit underwhelmed by how everything played out, and what the big secrets were, but it was still a solid page turner. The dual timelines worked well for me, the backwards countdown by hour on the day of the crash and present day by day play. 3.5 ⭐️. Pictured: Nag‘s Head trip

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This was an engaging thriller. It didn‘t feel especially high stakes, but I definitely wanted to find out the truth. #botm

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“A thrilling mystery about a group of former classmates who reunite to mark the tenth anniversary of a tragic accident—only to have one of the survivors disappear, casting fear and suspicion on the original tragedy.

Seven hours in the past. Seven days in the present. Seven survivors remaining. Who would you save?”

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Holy cow, this was a great thriller! So many things about this kept me guessing until the very end! And there were multiple twists that totally threw me for a loop! 😱 I loved it! 💕📚

Alfoster Oh yes! Me too! I didn‘t figure it out either! 1y
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Ten years ago, a group of teenagers on a school trip were involved in a tragic accident. The nine survivors, Cassidy, Oliver, Brody, Josh, Grace, Amaya, Hollis, Clara, & Ian have met up each year on the anniversary of the accident & made a promise to always be there for each other but is it just survivors' guilt or are they hiding something? (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf After one of the group, Clara, died, Cassidy decided to make a break from the group by sending their group emails to spam & changing her phone number. She has started to make a new life with boyfriend, Russ, & is surprised to receive a text from Amaya about this year's trip. She is about to ignore it when another message comes through to tell her about a second death from the group, her close friend, Ian. 1y
OutsmartYourShelf Cassidy feels guilty for not knowing about his death & even more so when she checks her spam emails & realises that he reached out to her before his death. It seems Ian was worried that someone was out for revenge & maybe the others are all in danger too.

This started off with great pace & storytelling, although it slows down considerably once they get to the beach house. The present day chapters are told from Cassidy's point of view,
OutsmartYourShelf whilst the chapters set back at the time of the accident are from her fellow students on the trip. It reminded me a little bit of the film 'Triangle' starring Melissa George where events are seen from slightly different angles & times & each time the viewer learns a little bit more about what is happening. Here the past chapters start from the accident & go back through the events & to what led up to the tragedy & we learn a bit more about these 1y
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OutsmartYourShelf people each time. I liked how that was done & thought it worked well. I wasn't a big fan of the ending though, I thought it was a bit anticlimactic considering what had happened before, therefore I rated this one 3.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Quercus Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Read: 5th-8th Apr 2023

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5192734419

#AwesomeApril @andrew65
JamieArc I‘m a third of the way through. Getting to the THEN chapters is helping to pull me along. I feel like I have an idea of what will happen - I hope I‘m wrong. 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
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3.5 ⭐️ The author immersed@the reader in the setting of this thriller - The Outer Banks. Most of the book is told from the POV of one character, but the plot does occasionally switch to different POVs at the time of tragic accident that is at the core of this story. I found it to be a slow burn at first then become a page turner. The twist in the plot was wholly satisfying. Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61273351

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This started out a little slow, but as each character‘s truth of the harrowing night a 10yrs ago comes to light, I became hooked. What really happened when 2 vans full of teens crashed late one night during a storm? How did the 9 survivors make it? Why do they feel the need to hide away & only see each other once a year when they gather at The Shallows, a beach house, where they aren‘t exactly friends but are also the only people they can trust?

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Taking advantage of a free Saturday to take myself on a date to a new-to-me coffee shop. Looking forward to spending hours of interrupted time reading and writing ☺️

BiblioLitten Bliss! 😍 1y
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Floofy gives this one an enthusiastic four 🐾 rating and I completely agree! This one is beyond a page-turner. I haven't read this author before but I will be rectifying this quickly. Totally wasn't expecting that ending. Add this one to your suspense/thriller reading list!

ShelleyBooksie Floofy ♡♡♡ 1y
melzen Such a cutie 🥰 1y
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There‘s a solid chance this coffee contains alcohol… Happy Tuesday 💙 On to book #15 of the year!

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This is a thrill ride for sure! Friends congregate at the same family beach house each year after a horrific school-sponsored field trip/bus accident killed 2 teachers and 10 students. Now odd, unexpected, and unexplained events are spooking them as there are secrets and lies emerging.
Never saw this coming!😱

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As usual, I went with the thriller. #BOTM #MountTBR

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My #BOTM choices this month! I hit BFF status last month on my birthday month so they gave me a free credit for this month. I usually opt for thrillers but the other two were recommended to me so I hope they are good.

BookBosomed1 I loved The Lost Apothecary and Hester. 1y
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