It was ok . Not particularly memorable one way or another for me .
It was ok . Not particularly memorable one way or another for me .
I liked this one :) I haven't read to kill a mockingbird since h.s. was able to jump in without feeling left out too much
Good :) Informative
Was a wonderful retelling :) this was a nice follow up after circe
I had this one on hold through the libby app for several weeks . It was totally well worth the wait. I loved it :)
I have been reading a lot but haven't kept up here. Will start working on it now :)
It was OK. Lol I thought the relationship between the two protagonists was a little.. Weird?!?... Sense of humor is decent. Story was interesting but didn't keep me attached very much. I really haven't connected to any of the characters but it is the first in the series so that may change. A plus would be that it's an easy read that I didn't have t think about too much. That Cann also be a negative depending on how u look at it :)
Started this one while waiting on my licence renewal :) next in the series
Ludo and I Trying to get used to this new work schedule lol stayed up too late reading “wicked “ . :) hope y‘all have good days
Read this one a whole back. A collection of short stories. I thought this one was great. Dark, playful, definitely not innocent and all the stories were the perfect length for what was needed for each of them. His voice shown through at full strength and it was glorious :)
I don't know why but I didn't love this one as much as I thought I would. I still finished it and found the stories interesting it just didn't seem to have that Neil gaiman voice that I love.
Playing some catch up.. Again lol
This one is overall good. Very well written and researched. Focuses a little too much on her love interests /drama surrounding her love interests but definitely still a good read and she does touch on many other things surrounding her rule including the economy, money, international relations, clothes, and even a little speculation on her state of mind at certain periods of time.
1. Yes I always have my little library open to anyone who wants to borrow/steal from me :)
2. No I read bits of everything though I do have favorites and am generally hard on my authors. I have no problem giving up on a book if I'm not into it.
3. Nope. I have cameras, pictures and random knick knacks thrown on my shelves too :)
This was a good one . it was sweet, heartbreaking and even had some action :) looking forward to reading the next in the series
I got about half way through this one. Writing style was different but not bad. I think it was partially due to the fact that I didn't really connect to any of the female characters. Which I should have definitely done in a book like this. Maybe I'll pick it up again one day but for now I'm moving on
It's taken me nearly a year to get through it. Not because it wasn't good but because just as Amos Oz takes you on a journey through his young life I wanted and needed it to be a journey for me too. It touched my soul, and put words to parts of me I didn't know even had an explanation. Beautiful and sad. I don't know if now that it has ended I will be able to read another book right away . Just as reading it took time so will moving on.
I forgot to review this one . Playing some catch up :)
I thought this book was a good attempt. I didn't find it all that scary . More psychological thriller than anything . I still thoroughly enjoyed it :)
1. Originally from Cali but currently reside in Texas :)
2. Pride and prejudice
3. Harry Potter
4. Depends on genre but a good bet would be fiddler on the roof :)
5. Buffy the vampire Slayer
6. Brand New
7. Orange
8. Dystopian
9. Multiple places
10. Yes of course :) I have 2 cats and a dog.
Settling down for the night. Trying to decide what to read next. Have started a couple different ones but can't decide which one to really dive into. So for now cuddling with my monster :)
Reading this one :) so far so good . Hope y'all are enjoying the holidays
1. Texas, USA
2. Not sure . I like bits of everything . But I'm definitely partial to non-fiction. I also like thrillers, horror, sci-fi , and supernatural .
3. I'm reading several books at the moment including clockwork angel, anansi boys, the Hebrew goddess, Jewish myths, and geek love.
4. Mac and chz, anything Greek or middle Eastern
5. I have two cats and a dog
6. So far no questions but I am enjoying it here :)
Started this one after finishing half blood . So far I like the writing style much better.
It was alright . Lol I still struggled with connecting to the main character and I feel like the author focuses too much on the love aspect. The mythology seems a cool way to go but is more like background noise at this point and I wish it had more prominence. Will read the second book to see if this changes.
Working on this one now . So far I'm not really connecting to the book but I'm not too far in, so hoping that will change . :)
Starting this one today :) excited! I have heard good things :)