Major update.
The Last Unicorn was the first book I bought with my own money. Been looking forward to Peter Beagle's newest.
Very tree-y, with stomping good monsterment and high witchitude. Say yes to sorcery.
Listened to the audiobook of the 20th anniversary edition. This novel has lost none of its power. If anything, Neuromancer gathers greater depth as time passes and our tech, vision, and losses dance around it, seemingly caught in its gravity.
Loving this old Richard M. Powers cover for the original paperback of The Deep. Crowley's first novel is weird, wild fun: a bit like The Man Who Fell to Earth in a sword and sorcery setting, gorgeously written.
Because no "entertainment for little ones" is complete without such classics as "Goat-Face," "The Old Woman Who Was Skinned," and "Penta with the Chopped-Off Hands." Oh, and also "The Two Little Pizzas."