This little book was better than I had expected (based on reviews 😀). The narrator hooked me almost immediately. The sorrow was palpable and the offbeat humor gave more life to the pages. I found it almost too real, but loved it.
This little book was better than I had expected (based on reviews 😀). The narrator hooked me almost immediately. The sorrow was palpable and the offbeat humor gave more life to the pages. I found it almost too real, but loved it.
This book was fantastic! Fellow bird nerds, it has something for everyone. It's highly readable, though parts are deliciously dense. I learned hundreds of new things and my love and respect for birds has quadrupled.
A quick read that packs an emotional punch.
Alexie covers so many coming of age topics, including friendships, poverty, identity, and death. Junior is an empathetic character of incredible resilience.
A must read book :)
Reading for a local book club, as it is being challenged by our conservative school board. Already in love with it and can't wait to share with the kids in my life.
I've been dipping into this book for a week. It is full of fun facts that astonish and delight me.
This book gutted me.
It's not only powerful, it's beautiful. The characters are finely developed whole humans, with strengths and weaknesses and voices that are so true they will haunt you.
It's a quick read, but not an easy read.
Read it and then tell your friends to read it and tell them to tell their friends to read it.
"March 9, 1993
New York
Roger Donald called from Little, Brown to say he would like to negotiate a two-book deal. To celebrate, I bought a denim shirt and thought it amazing how quickly one's life can change. I never thought I'd want a denim shirt."
Eleanor Oliphant is a (completely) finely crafted character who grips your heart and throat and never lets go. The greatest flaw in this book is that it is very hard to move on from. I want so much more Eleanor. And Raymond. And Glen. If you love a story that makes you feel ALL the feels, with a touch of mystery, heartbreak, and a happy ending (plus cat!), this if for you :-)
This Book of the Month Club selection is perfect. I swallowed it in one long gulp this morning.
Arianna Huffington taught me so much about sleep, a subject I felt confident I had mastered!
It's been a few years since I have been sucked into a Dennis Lehane novel, but I fell hard for this one. I forget how he can WRITE. This is full of thrills and chills and the unexpected all through, but the finest element is his masterful development of a character who keeps you hanging on with her, beside her. A great summer read :)
"At the moment of my death, I'd like to be looking at the pictures of everyone I have ever loved."
I loved this, my first Book of the Month club pick. I read it in four hours on a flight. The characters are vibrant and their highs and lows unpredictable and engaging.
Edited to add: if you're interested in the book Hillbilly Ellegy for political reasons, this would serve as a perfect companion read.
First book of my vacation! Excited to dive into this on the plane.
"I'd like to not care, but who can truly say they don't care what other people think of them? Everyone says they don't, sure, but there's always going to be that tiny, niggling feeling in the back of your mind that you should care, and eventually it grows into the size of a person and has the voice of your mother and haunts you day and night."
Sorted through my graphic novel collection today and selected almost thirty I could live without, which gives these old favorites room to breathe.
"In truth there is no dividing line between cruel leaders and oppressed citizens."
Started this book this morning and I am hooked.
Finished this little gem this weekend and can't wait to read the next in the trilogy. Durrell is such an engaging writer. I chose this book for the naturalist in me, but loved it all the more for the hilarious human characters he so charmingly depicts.
Enjoying the style of this book so much. It reminds me so much of one of my favorites: I, Capture the Castle. Best read with a cup of tea :-)
The first book I read this year will likely be one of the best I'll find all year. Trevor Noah is a brilliant storyteller with stories worth telling.
"Embracing childhood as its own unique culture forces us to step into the lives of children for the human beings they are in the *present*, trusting that they will grow into the adults they are in the process of becoming."