Love my magnetic clips from Barnes and Noble. ❤
Working at Barnes & Noble Eastchester is the best because the Kitchen is amazing and everyone ignores each other and reads on their breaks.
"Then he went to the courthouse steps, sat down, and lowered his head between his knees." p. 188.
Who else is at this point???? I can't handle anything right now. This is insane. Holy shot. I don't know how to live. What. SOS. Help. What's going onnnnnnn
Honestly, I really am not enjoying Serpentine enough to read 350 more pages so I'm moving on to my next read... My first Steven King. Wish me luck. I hate not finishing books but why make yourself read something you aren't enjoying?
My all time favorite short story collection, followed by Kafka's full collection. The shorter the story, the better she writes. She's a master at interpersonal relationships and subtle mundane drama. A must read. Don't know why it's not stocked in every bookstore! #LydiaDavis #shortstories #collectedstories #anthology #summerreads
My all time favorite work written by Eleanor Roosevelt - and I think I've read most of all of them! A must read for all contemporary activists, even if you don't agree with all she had to say! #activism #er #eleanorroosevelt #ervk #valkill #tomorrowisnow #Tomorrow #justice
Essentially Clue in a short novel. The first mystery and Agatha Christie i read. Definitely won't be the last. Christie is great at providing enough hints so you think you know where it's going and then she turns around and provides contrary evidence until you just have no idea what to think anymore. Make sure you read to the very last page... What bothers me and should bother everyone is the racism behind the book. #SummerReads #mystery #racism
This is now one of my all time favorite books. I finished it almost a month ago already and it is still sticking with me. It is one of those "unreliable narrator" books today's youth loves, myself included. But it's less so this that draws me in and more so Margaret Atwood's detail in every character observation and action. It is not overly detailed like Crime and Punishment. Every word has meaning (open to your discretion of interpretation).