I‘m so close to finishing and I don‘t want it to end. 😍😍 Her ability to capture the tone of mythology while still feeling modern is incredible.
Why isn‘t this Inspector Gamache series a charming PBS show I can watch on a cozy Sunday night? (I guess there‘s on Canadian tv adaptation but that can‘t be enough.) Thankfully I can just borrow all the books from my mom.
I am a truly lazy reader and cannot motivate to read books over 400 pp often. Which is why I almost look forward to my inability to sleep on planes so I can use long flights as an excuse to start something I otherwise couldn't get through. All of which is to say, this book is the best Paris travel companion I could have. It's everything I was promised and more.
I would follow Dan Brown into pretentious, overwritten, perfectly entertaining battle. #danbrownexplainsuber (spoilers obscured, of course).
100 pages into book 1, I ordered the rest. Always have to know what happens next.
Drugs, marriage, & music and then there's Ringo with the construction.
If you‘re going to buy a poetry collection to go with your stack of novels about boybands, this seems like the right one.
Just waiting for someone to mansplain summer Fridays to me.
Quick and fun read, even if much of it felt like stuff I've already read elsewhere. Plus, worth it for the archetypical office white dude, Josh.
Every aspect of the circumstances in this book should have telegraphed "you're in a murder book!" to these characters, which is exactly what I want from a vacation mystery.
Aggressively into this cover design. Simple and somehow terrifying.
Facts to "impress" people you conscript into walking your dog with you.
"sparkly and excited" #stevienicks
So far, I can't say I could have a better snow day companion than Simon - as charming as advertised.
This one somehow turned a simple walk to the bookstore (shoutout to Harvard Bookstore for being dog friendly) into a 3.5 mile adventure and has been napping ever since. Guess I'll have to read alone.
Recent additions to the unacceptably large stack of books to read.
Fun and a v comforting read.
A month and I can't get past page 62, time to bail. Also, that voting sticker just makes me cry now.