I recently read The Infernal Devices series, and I loved it. So I‘m excited to read this one!
I recently read The Infernal Devices series, and I loved it. So I‘m excited to read this one!
“I don‘t understand why people think that every young man ought to go downtown and work ten hours a day for the best twenty years of his life at dull, unimaginative work, certainly not altruistic work.”
LOVE this one. 🖤
Can‘t believe I went the whole of my undergrad years without reading this; I majored in English! 😮
The introduction was SO good. You will absolutely catch me reading more from Neil Gaiman soon.
Onto the actual book…
4.5 ⭐️ for book one
4 ⭐️ for book two
3.5 ⭐️ for book three
This is the first series I‘ve read in years. The first book was good enough to invest in the whole series, in my opinion.
While I'd say this book was a little weird to me, it was still pretty good!
The phrase "linguistic architecture" is so cool. From now on, when my students write essays, I'm going to call them linguistic architects.
I won this book on Goodreads and just got it in the mail! (:
I'm reading Walden, but this bookmark my boyfriend gave me has a great L.M. Montgomery quote!
"The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly."
I got my boyfriend this shirt to go with his Christmas happies. I'm not sure I like that the font is in glitter, but he loves Harry Potter. Maybe he'll like this despite the glitter. #OutOfPrint #ButImActuallyTheLiteraryOne
My boyfriend and I have book candles, and I couldn't resist these cute little match boxes. #OutOfPrint #SongOfSolomon #TomSawyer #SlaughterhouseFive #Fahrenheit451
Some of my 5th graders read to a first grade class today! It's too sweet to see them being such good role models. #literacy #fifthgradereaders #todaysreadersaretomorrowsleaders We love the library, too, Biscuit.