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Black Beauty
Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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A horse in nineteenth-century England encounters many misfortunes until he finds the happiness and contentment he deserves.
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 3mo
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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julesG Still practiced today in some (university) libraries, because the expensive reference books are misplaced otherwise. 6mo
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐎 📚💙 9mo
willaful This is a great one! 9mo
Eggs @willaful Yes🙌🏻🙌🏻 9mo
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#BookBinge #InvolvesAnimal A classic I read so many times in my youth. I also remember my grandfather having a minor obsession with black horses and “difficult “ horses.

TheSpineView 🖤🐎 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🐎 11mo
Eggs LOVE Black Beauty 🐎 11mo
Suet624 Loved this book. Rather than being a Barbie girl I was a horse girl. So many Breyer horses! 10mo
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#DarkHorse 🐎🖤 #VolumesAndVocals 🎶🌞🌈🌼

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your shelves 🖤 13mo
JuliaTheBookNerd @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks 😊 I‘m pretty partial to them too 🥰 13mo
Eggs Perfect 🐎 13mo
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, and rushes and water-lilies grew at the deep end.
#BlackBeauty #AnnaSewell #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #shelfies #bookstack #bookstacks #stack #stacks #Classics #Fiction #Childrens #Animals #YoungAdult #Horses #HistoricalFiction #Adventure 💜💜💜

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I finally made it through this miserable slog of a book. For all of the important messages it tries to convey to young readers, I‘m sure there are better books, stories, and documentaries that would engage with young people more about the humane treatment of animals. In this volume, Sewell is just too brutally redundant with her points and I didn‘t really need to read a book that was 95% about an animal being tortured.

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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5✨ Why did I not read this book sooner! I love a good horse book and this classic is amazing. I like that the horse is the narrator of the story and he goes through a lot of ups and downs that a horse in this era may go through. My copy is also gorgeous with gold edges, beautiful illustrations, and just all around amazing.

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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Eggs Perfection! Love Black Beauty! 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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📙Tagged book- we read this with #ChildrensClassicRead2021 and it was just lovely!!
🎥Baby Boom
🎼Bear's Den
🎶Billie Bossa Nova by Billie Eilish

#ManicMonday #letterB @CBee

I'm late tagging anyone who wants to play!

CBee Billie Eilish has the BEST voice 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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First book finished for #trappedonanisland. Sad to report this was not a homerun for me. I never was one of those little girls that wanted a pony or was into horses, so maybe that's why. Also didn't much care for the narrator with this one. It sounded like an elderly lady, and she just didn't portray the character well.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! At least it's another classic off the backlog list!! 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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@aperfectmjk - here are the books that washed up on the shore with you!! These are all books I've enjoyed, although for entirely different reasons haha Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on at least one of them!!!


aperfectmjk Thanks @TheAromaofBooks I can't wait to knock some of these off my TBR... I've been trying for years! 🤣 2y
mom2bugnbee Great choices! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @aperfectmjk - I know that feeling!!! 😅 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#ILoveHorsesDay 🐎 #JulyJam 🪷🌱🌹

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty cover 🐴 2y
Eggs Loved this book🖤❤️🖤 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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1. I‘ve read a few.
2. Old school choice!

TheSpineView I loved Black Beauty and hope or never goes out of style. Thanks for playing! 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#OnThisDay in 1820 English author Anna Sewell was born. She only published one novel, intended for adult readers, but that one story engaged the minds of countless children. It's full title was "Black Beauty, his grooms and companions; the autobiography of a horse, 'Translated from the original equine by Anna Sewell.'" One of the ten top selling novels for children of all time, Sewell never got to see its success. #HistoryGetsLIT

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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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My troubles are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my old friends under the apple trees.
#BlackBeauty #AnnaSewell #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #shelfies #bookstack #bookstacks #stack #stacks #bookstore #bookshop #bookshopper #bookshopping #booksale #Classics #Fiction #Childrens #Animals 🧡🧡🧡

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Jan 26 #BeginsWith Black I read this as a teen, many many years ago. My favorite classic ever @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🐴 🖤 2y
Eggs Great choice! 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#beginswith #black @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Google reminded me of this awesome book!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🐴 💚🖤 2y
Eggs Love this story 2y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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This pretty little edition of Black Beauty was given to me as a gift. I loved The Black Stallion as a child but could never get through BB or National Velvet. I bailed a few times on this one too and finally switched to audio to finish it. Much easier to believe in a horse that spoke such proper English that way! Definitely little to uplift your spirit. Much of it was just a bummer. It‘s a classic but not for me. 3⭐️s

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#currentlyreading with my daughter (10 yo)—isn‘t this a beautiful edition?

Leftcoastzen So pretty! 3y
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Black Beauty | Sewell Anna
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#ForTheLoveOfBookmarks #Advertising

Here are a few - I should probably skim through the rest of the prompts, so I don‘t use up all my bookmarks in one go!

Clockwise from bottom left - British Red Cross, The good Immigrant/Unbound, a British Library maps exhibition, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Wordery x2, a performance of Black Beauty at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh and something that I‘m fairly sure has come from Newfoundland Tourist board.

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Thank you @TheSpineView and @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm for the tag! 😁 and thank you @Eggs for always having fun questions.

1. My events would probably be Baby Jessica falling down the well, and the murder of James Byrd, Jr. in Jasper, TX. Knowing that hate like that existed so close to my hometown opened my eyes to a lot of injustices I never noticed before.

2. Library 📚

3. The tagged book, Little Women, and Winnie the Pooh. 💚

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘m reading Black Beauty right now!! ❤️😱 3y
Addison_Reads @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I did a reread earlier this year. That book still makes me cry. 😭 3y
Eggs Oh I do remember the Jessica/well story-I had a baby and a toddler at the time and I couldn‘t imagine how hard that must have been for everyone 😭 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I was amazed about all of the little life lessons mixed in among these pages. There was a lot to think about. Many people would say this is a cute children's book, but I think adults need to read it as well. It is a beautiful classic for everyone to cherish.

AkashaVampie By any chance is that a B&N exclusive??? 3y
AshRaye @AkashaVampie It's Easton Press 3y
AkashaVampie @AshRaye oh ok. Thanks 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell

"If we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt."

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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My reading spot for today. A storm is supposed to roll through in an hour, but I am already starting to hear some thunder.
I am hoping to be able to finish the tagged book today.

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Starting this gorgeous book while on vacation at my grandma's house. I must say, I am so jealous of how beautiful this book is.

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I read this for a book club and wondered why I‘d never read it as a child. #horse #curiouscovers

Friday update! I enjoyed my iced coffee while watching Harry Potter, then I took a walk in the neighborhood, then I prevailed on my hubby to make me a grilled cheese sandwich for my dinner. 😎

Eggs Happy weekend 🍞🧀!! Love Black Beauty 🖤🐎🖤 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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#Curiouscovers #Horse
@Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Been a long time, but I remember loving it as a kid.🖤

CrowCAH One of my favorites! 🐎 3y
Tera66 @CrowCAH It's been so long. I may reread it🐎 3y
Eggs One of my favorites too 💚🐎🖤 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Day 4: Horse
You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a horse in my books lol I have pegasus', lions & dragons. (You wouldn't believe how many) So I went online & got Black Beauty, a book I don't own but I read it in high school. 🖤🐴

Eggs A classic! 🖤🐎🖤 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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In love with this book. I m reading this for the first time thanks to @TheBookHippie #childrenclassicread2021 must read for both kids and adults.

Suet624 ❤️❤️❤️ I‘m so glad people are reading this book again. 3y
TheBookHippie It‘s so good!!!! 🤍🤍🤍 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell

This was one of my favourite books when I was younger.
And reading it while I'm older, its still a brilliant book.
I love the writing style with the P.O.V coming from black beauty. You feel like you're watching his life unfold from the side lines. While reading I was transported to 19th century England, and while it's just a story, its horrible to know the horrors that some horses went through.
This book will always remain one of my favourites.

Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I'm so glad I read this for #ChildrensClassicRead2021. For some reason I long thought this was a cute but cheesy tale about a horse horsing about, but the book was much darker & more thoughtful than that. Sewell clearly wrote this as a stark reminder of animal abuse & the severe treatment of horses in almost all aspects of society: farming, transportation, sport. The perspective of the horse worked so well & Beauty's "voice" was just perfect.

batsy I felt an ache for Beauty's friends who did not live to see a happy ending, but I was glad that Beauty got his. It's a book for children, but let's be real, it's the sentimental adult in me that couldn't have handled anything else. The little bit I read about Sewell & the circumstances of how she wrote the book was also fascinating. One criticism is that her depiction of domestic servants, especially the grooms, unfortunately reflects its time. 3y
Freespirit I read it many years ago and loved it. I was horse mad too in those days😊 3y
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GingerAntics Perfectly said 3y
batsy @Freespirit It's a lovely book 🐎🤎 3y
batsy @GingerAntics Thank you! 3y
TheBookHippie Beautifully stated. I had no idea either what a treasure this book is. So many lessons. 3y
batsy @TheBookHippie Thank you! And appreciate you picking this title; I'm knocking off some books from my children's lit tbr :) 3y
leah152 This is one of my favourites. Started me on the path to vegetarianism! Got me across the Nullarbor too.... 😊 3y
charl08 I read this so many times as a kid! I love your cover though. Mine was not this lovely. 3y
batsy @leah152 I can imagine it would have been great company across the Plain 🙂 3y
batsy @charl08 This is a lovely edition, isn't it? Sadly not my copy; I read it on Serial Reader :) 3y
UwannaPublishme I felt the same way—thinking It was just a cheesy book about horses. Glad I finally read it and experienced its profound impact. 3y
leah152 @batsy oh yeah it was lol 🐎📖 3y
batsy @UwannaPublishme Me too! 🙌🏽 3y
Suet624 I think this might have the first book I read on my own as a child. I remember it had some gorgeous photos inside as well. I loved horses and this book affected me deeply. I still remember passages that I read over 55 years ago. (edited) 3y
Nutmegnc One of my first favorite books! 3y
batsy @Suet624 It's a deeply affecting book and I can only imagine the impact it can have on a young mind. I was expecting a certain kind of book but got a very different, very moving one. 3y
batsy @Nutmegnc I'm so glad I finally read it! :) 3y
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Black Beauty | Sewell Anna
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Thanks to @TheBookHippie and our #ChildrensClassicRead2021, I finally read Black Beauty for the first time. Not at all what I expected! It‘s powerful & heart wrenching. My respect & love for these beautiful and misunderstood animals have grown even stronger. Now I want to read more about Sewell after learning about these 2 bios on her.🤔
@PurpleyPumpkin @batsy @GingerAntics @curiouserandcurioser @amber_ldsmom @ravenlee @IndoorDame @Butterfinger

batsy Ooh, interesting! I'd like to learn more about Sewell as well. Screenshotting this :) 3y
curiouserandcurioser @UwannaPublishme Thank you so much for the tag! I love Black Beauty and these look like something i would love to read:) 3y
UwannaPublishme @batsy @curiouserandcurioser I‘m anxious to find out more about Sewell too. We may need to plan another Buddy read! 🐴 3y
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curiouserandcurioser @UwannaPublishme That would be so fun!!:) 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Ooh these look so interesting! I never thought to search for biographies about the author. But I‘d love to learn more about her too. Great idea!👍🏽 3y
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin I hope I can find one of these at my library. 😊🙏🏻 3y
TheBookHippie Right?! I learned so much!!! I‘m hoping our library has books on her as well!!! Let me know if you all read them 🤍🤍 isn‘t it amazing we all learned something and loved it!! Makes me so happy!! 3y
UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie You certainly changed our lives with this one! 🤗 Will keep you posted when I can get my hands on one of these books. 3y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme 🤍🤍🤍🤍 3y
rubyslippersreads I need to find these! 🐴 3y
UwannaPublishme Right??!! Keep me posted and I‘ll do the same. We can always share! 😊 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I just am in awe of this book. It was so eye opening. I plan to read this with teens this summer. This is written masterfully- I highly recommend it.

Now to listen to it on audio!!!

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Thanks for the review! I‘m adding this to my serial reader to read next! 3y
PurpleyPumpkin It really was a great pick. Glad you enjoyed it too!🙌🏽 3y
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie This has always and forever been one of my favorite books-made more so bc of my dad:) Animals are way more intelligent than they are given credit for:) i have been captivated by this since the first time i opened the book. 3y
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GingerAntics It is a wonderful story, and I really think reading this with teens would start some amazing conversations. Even upper elementary students would probably have a lot to say about this book. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I would think so. I can‘t wait for the conversations! 3y
UwannaPublishme An eye opener is right! This book is not what I expected at all, but it sure was a powerful read. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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This is such a sweet story. I quite enjoyed it. I read most of it, but finished the last bit on audio. The audiobook is so good, I want to go back and listen to the whole thing if I have enough time before it‘s due. I can see how this book made people start considering animal welfare. It‘s heartbreaking in the middle, but the happy ending, coming full circle, really made this story for me.

TheBookHippie Finishing up this morning! Now I want to do the audio!!! 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie it‘s lovely to have a voice for Black Beauty. It was quite nice. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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This month‘s pick for the #ChildrensClassicRead2021 was a winner! I did a combo read, both audio and print, and I really enjoyed it. This is a reread for me, and it won‘t be my last. I love the POV of this book, even though some parts were upsetting. But, the end was quite satisfying. 4/5⭐️

GingerAntics Oh, this one could be amazing on audio. I‘m checking my library right now. I can‘t believe I didn‘t even think of that before now. 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @GingerAntics I really enjoyed the audio version! I wasn‘t sold at first, but quickly came round. If you can‘t find it at your library, you can listen for free via stories.audible.com! 3y
GingerAntics @PurpleyPumpkin it looks like that exact same audiobook. I am very excited to try this when I get some reading time I little later. 3y
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Suet624 My favorite repeat read from childhood. 3y
TheBookHippie It‘s been wonderful!! I‘m finishing tomorrow ! 3y
batsy Great review. It's my first time reading it and it has honestly taken me by surprise. Darker and sadder than I expected and with good reason. I'm reading on Serial Reader so hope to finish it soon :) 3y
GingerAntics @PurpleyPumpkin the audio is amazing! Thanks for pointing me in that direction. 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @Suet624 It has become mine as well!💜 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @TheBookHippie Oh, I hope you enjoy! Such a lovely ending. 💜 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @batsy Yes, particularly given the fact that it‘s supposed to be a children‘s book, it is quite dark in parts. But it‘s told in a gentle way somehow. Enjoy the rest of your reading!👍🏽 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @GingerAntics So glad you‘re enjoying the audiobook!✅ 3y
UwannaPublishme Totally agree with you and @batsy Much darker and sadder than I expected but such an important message. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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"It is because people think ONLY about their own business, and won't trouble themselves to stand up for the oppressed, nor being the wrong-doer to light."

Anna Sewell knew to stand up for mistreatment.

This book was as amazing now as it was when I was 10.

#ChildrensClassicChallenge @TheBookHippie

#AwesomeApril book 7 @Andrew65

TheBookHippie Finishing this week I just love it. 3y
maich I love this one💕 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
persephone1408 Classic❤ 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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It‘s not even close to Wednesday, but whatever....

1. I was born in Massachusetts.
2. I live in Vermont after having spent time in Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, Arizona, and California.
3. A brother who is 10 years older and a sister who is 5 years older. Apparently I‘m the black sheep of the family.
4. Black Beauty. It was the only book for me. I loved it and reread it often.


Eggs Great book!! Thanks for playing 🥳📚❤️ 3y
Reggie I thought the babies of the family were the spoiled favorites? 3y
Suet624 @Reggie My sister thought I was the favorite when we were younger. It got very complicated later in life when I had four children and my siblings had none. They cut me out of their twosome tribe because I didn‘t pay enough attention to them. My sister has a bit of crazy in her, so I‘m cool with the distance. I do miss my brother though. He & I had spirituality & sports to talk & laugh about. My extended family has a lengthy history of ostracism. 3y
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Suet624 @Reggie I would also add that being the youngest and quietest in my family the truth is I was completely ignored throughout my time in the household. That‘s the reason I ran away from home the minute I turned 16. 3y
Reggie Awww, I‘m sorry Sue. 3y
Suet624 @Reggie it‘s all good. I am so happy to say that my kids and grandkids are very close and I hope I have done something to stop that generational ostracism. My circle of love continues to expand. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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I have to have this copy in my library.

#ChildrensClassicsChallenge @TheBookHippie

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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell

What right have they to torment and disfigure God's creatures?

I remember a neighbor would dock her kittens' tails and how it bothered me. I did get my Zoe from her, but I told her to leave the tail alone.

It's been 30 so years. I could have even used Black Beauty when I would fuss at her.

#ChildrensClassicsChallenge @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie Just astounding the lack of love for animals .. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Morning coffee and Black Beauty

I finally found someone who knew why this was banned when I was in school! The Horse talks.... that‘s it, that‘s the whole thing. Just WOW.
Not shocking since they also teach dinosaurs aren‘t real. 😳

At any rate I‘m really loving the slow read of the story and can‘t imagine this not told through the horse. It‘s a very zen coffee and a few chapters moments 🤍🐴

batsy Wow! And yes, I cannot imagine this book differently without Beauty as the narrator... 3y
PurpleyPumpkin I didn‘t realize this was a banned book! How crazy and because of the horse speaking? 🙄 l‘m with @batsy, Black Beauty‘s POV is much more captivating than if it were an omniscient or other type of narrator. 3y
Butterfinger That blows my mind. So, you didn't get to read Charlotte's Web? 3y
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MoonWitch94 That‘s crazy!!!! Such a progressive idea 🙄lol 3y
ravenlee Apparently Winnie the Pooh has been banned for the same reason - because talking animals “goes against God.” (Never mind that the animals in WtP are stuffed toys...). And I don‘t think Black Beauty could even exist without the horse narrating. It just wouldn‘t work. 3y
TheBookHippie @Butterfinger not a school my grandma read it to me. 🤍 I read it to my students every single spring. 🐷🕷🕸 3y
GingerAntics Sadly, that is a reason several children‘s books have been banned. God didn‘t make talking animals, so if a book has talking animals, it‘s an a front to god and needs to be banned to protect our children from having any type of imagination. 🙄but please don‘t worry, there are no Christian extremists in the world. 🙄 3y
UwannaPublishme What??? 😳🤯😬 I‘m with the consensus. This book would lose all impact and fervor without Beauty‘s narration. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics laughing so hard spit out coffee 3y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme RIGHT?!?!? Just astounds me. I just bought 10 copies for the students in the alternative program they never got to read it either 🤯🤯🤯🤯 3y
TheBookHippie @ravenlee oh my word 😳 I love pooh 3y
TheBookHippie @MoonWitch94 🤦🏽‍♀️ 3y
rubyslippersreads A talking horse, but not all the heartbreaking animal cruelty??? 😏 3y
GingerAntics @rubyslippersreads right? Animal cruelty we‘re cool with. Talking animals, we‘ve got a problem with that. I‘ve found the people who have a problem with talking animals on religious grounds, tend to believe humans are meant to dominate animals as they see fit and that badly behaved children should be treated like animals. So yeah, they‘d actually be down with the animal cruelty and wouldn‘t see it as cruelty, but godly love. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I agree ! 😡 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie @ravenlee Pooh is one of my childhood favourites. He is also banned in all of China because he looks like their “President.” Google it. The memes are stunningly hilarious. 3y
ravenlee @GingerAntics I worry about the future of humankind... 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I love Pooh so much! 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics that is hilarious!!!!!!! 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie right? You don‘t see it until you see them side-by-side, then you can‘t not see it. 😂🤣😂 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Obama as Tigger so cute🤣 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie that one is perfect! Plus, I think Tigger would be really good at jump shots, too. 🤣🤣😂 3y
Suet624 I had no idea this was banned. 3y
tpixie @GingerAntics & book banning still continues, most recently Dr Seuss. So many missed learning experiences. 3y
tpixie @rubyslippersreads that was my first thought! Talking animals is pretty tame compared! 3y
tpixie @GingerAntics interesting theory re humans & animals... 3y
TheBookHippie @tpixie Dr Seuss wasn‘t banned the family removed six books that they believe even Dr Seuss himself would remove from printing more of. They didn‘t ban them they stopped printing problematic hate filled literature. All our favorites still printing. 3y
tpixie @TheBookHippie thanks for the clarification! 💜 3y
TheBookHippie @tpixie It actually happened longer ago than the news would have you believe the family who runs his works sent out statements and letters that all educational realms received. Sowing division is more popular than truth many times unfortunately. Six books that were hateful and harmful and no one will miss, isn‘t worth the argument but alas here we are in 2021. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 3y
tpixie @TheBookHippie Interesting! Thanks! We would all benefit from the cessation of 24 hours of News! It‘s now as ridiculous as reality TV! 💖 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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@UwannaPublishme 🏇🏻🐎🐴🤍🤍🤍

Oh how EXCITING !!!

I JUST decided to use this story for summer school lunchtime story hour. As I‘ve been reading with my son -as we are quarantined -he says this isn‘t the Black Beauty he read in school and he likes this one better. As such I will be reading it to teens this summer. I assume they read him an adapted version however he finds this unabridged very interesting.


UwannaPublishme Great idea! Happy to see you‘re surrounded by 🐴🐴🐴 and 💕💕 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Very much enjoying my coffee and Black Beauty mornings this month 🐴🐎🏇🏻

GingerAntics That is a lovely cover for this book. 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Glad you‘re enjoying your morning reading. It‘s a lovely way to start the day. 📖☕️ 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I love it and the illustrations are original and really cool! 3y
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GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh it has illustrations?! The occasional illustration would really make this story even better. I may have to look into this. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics It has quite a few! ISBN 0-90778-571-9 3y
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie i think im going to begin my reread-you have inspired me:) 3y
rubyslippersreads Lovely copy! 3y
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads thank you I just love it!!!! 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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The old methods of the "bearing rein" is said to have been changed because of Black Beauty. The way that people used to strap their horses heads to their chest had to be stopped because it was causing pain and respiratory issues.

The more I read and research this book the more fascinated I become. How wonderful a book could do this. ?

PurpleyPumpkin It is amazing that Sewell was able to bring so much awareness to the plight of some horses. So glad she wrote this book!💜 3y
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie i love this book-My dad bought it for me when i was young bc i love horses so much:) 3y
TheBookHippie @curiouserandcurioser I have never read it before! Please feel free to add to our discussions when we are talking about it this month. A lot of us reading have never read this book! Which is so crazy. I am loving it. Horses are so beautiful I just cannot fathom cruelty towards them.
#ChildrensClassicRead2021 April
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TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin I‘m so glad!! Horses are such pretty creatures. 3y
GingerAntics I‘ve never heard of a bearing reign. It looks totally counterintuitive to how a horse walks and functions, though. I‘m glad they stopped using those. 3y
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie Oh, thank you-that would be fun:) I agree that horses are so beautiful and i cant fathom any type if cruelty towards them ir any othet animal-it breaks my heart:( 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Who thought this was a good idea?? 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie no idea. It‘s disturbing, though. It seems we‘ve been battling “I‘m a human, it‘s my job to dominate everything else on the planet” for much longer than I thought. This is clearly not a modern problem. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Seriously the evil 🤯 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie yup! It‘s shocking that humans still manage to save their most depraved torture for other humans. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie it‘s shocking, but not, really. People are inherently good, but some people just go very wrong somewhere and far too many people have learned apathy if it doesn‘t effect them. It‘s learned. We know it is. It‘s frustrating that people refuse to change anything so no one, or at least fewer kids, learn to torture for fun. 3y
rubyslippersreads I didn‘t reread, because I read it so many times as a kid, but I‘m always glad it made some changes in how horses were treated. A similar (and also heart wrenching book) about dogs is 3y
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads added that to my list! 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Sewell was 57 before she became published
She started writing Black Beauty when she was 51-years-old, and by the time she finished it she was 57. It was the first book she ever wrote and ended up being the only book she ever wrote. She sold the book to Jarrold and Sons in 1877 for 20 British pounds, which works out to about $27 American. However given the time difference, it would actually translate to about $350 today.

TheBookHippie @batsy I agree it‘s fascinating she wrote just this book. Maybe if she had better health she‘d have continued ? 3y
batsy Yes, it's quite lovely in a way that she wrote this one book through ill health and it lives on as a children's classic. 3y
GingerAntics Wow, I never knew any of that. 3y
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TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Me either until I started researching last month. I really have nothing to little knowledge at all about this book. I am enjoying the chapters I read daily. Did you start it ? 3y
GingerAntics I did. I‘m quite enjoying it. I‘m not sure what I‘ve been avoiding all these years. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics RIGHT?! No idea here either. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it was banned at my elementary school... 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie it was banned?! I just googled. The ALA has no record of it ever being challenged or banned...but their is a slightly mythological story of it being banned in South Africa during apartheid (it may have been a joke about how dumb the sensors were). Now I am intrigued. 3y
UwannaPublishme 6 years of hard work creating such a classic for only $27??? 😳 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics who knows weird parochial school- they banned anything dinosaur as well.....OY. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh good grief. You know, all of the Narnia books have been banned in christian schools for talking animals being ungodly/unnatural (never mind the entire series is Christian allegory). That certainly could be the reason. Heaven forbid children think animals deserve humane treatment, have feelings, etc. It might prevent them from dominating and subduing the earth as god intended. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 3y
GingerAntics @UwannaPublishme that does seem like such small compensation. Even adjusted for modern inflation, it‘s almost like they just stole it. She must have really needed that $27... or maybe she didn‘t know any better? I‘m hoping her estate/family are getting royalties from it now, at least. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Ah -I bet that‘s why! 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Right? I hope they get the royalties. 3y
UwannaPublishme @GingerAntics Oh, that‘s a good point, Ginger. I‘d love to know that the royalties are going to her family. Too bad a biography on Anne isn‘t available so we can get the real truth. 3y
GingerAntics @UwannaPublishme I was just looking up who owns the rights to the book and can‘t find a thing, because it‘s in the public domain now. She never married and never had children, so there was no one to collect the royalties. I did discover that Disney has, in fact, bought the movie rights from whoever owned those and the movie came out in 2020. @TheBookHippie 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie Disney did make a movie of this book last year (2020), and it seems people are upset that they removed the animal rights message, sadly. Leave it to Disney. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics UGHHHHH DISNEY 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie my thoughts exactly. They don‘t care about anything but making money. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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This book is the first English novel to be written from the perspective of a non-human animal, in this case a horse. Although it is now considered a children's classic, Sewell originally wrote it for those who worked with horses. She said "a special aim was to induce kindness, sympathy, and an understanding treatment of horses.”

Four chapters in I have thought -this is a kids book? Maybe why so many adapted versions?

Butterfinger I remember reading it as a child and being shocked by the mistreatment. I can't remember if it was abridged or not. 3y
TheBookHippie @Butterfinger First time reading for me and a couple others !!! 😳🤍 3y
PurpleyPumpkin It's deceptive, isn't it? The language is simple and straightforward, making it approachable for a younger audience. But the message is quite serious and weighty. I was reminded of the latter when reading Ginger's story. It's so awful how some humans can be so cruel to animals. 3y
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TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin Animal cruelty I will never be able to understand. I am enjoying the read. Wonder what age group it is appropriate for. ... reading on.. 😊 3y
batsy What @PurpleyPumpkin said! I do wonder how I would have reacted to it as a child or how children react to it. Atm reading it as an adult I just feel so sad. (Also quite fascinated by Sewell... Didn't realise this was her only published book) 3y
UwannaPublishme @batsy @PurpleyPumpkin Agreed! I‘m feeling very sad and angry about how some of these characters are mistreating these beautiful horses. I almost want to smack a few of them myself! I was around horses on my Uncle‘s farm as a child and these animals were treated like gold. I definitely could NOT have handled this book back then. 3y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme I would have been devastated as a child reading this. I'm. fairly UPSET NOW. 3y
rubyslippersreads @batsy @UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin It made me sad as a child; I‘m not sure I could handle it again as an adult. 😢 3y
rubyslippersreads It also made my mom sad as a child. Her mother left her to babysit and came home to find my mom sobbing inconsolably. Of course, Grandma‘s first thought was, “OMG, the baby!” but my mom told her, “Ginger died!” 3y
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads my daughter still does this she‘ll call and not even say hello MOM SHE DIED!? The last sisterhood book I think it was ...really tore her up. 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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IT‘S HERE IT‘S HERE IT‘S HERE!!! It‘s beautiful and perfect. It was totally worth the wait.
#ChildrensClassicRead2021 #AnnaSewell #BlackBeauty @TheBookHippie

JenlovesJT47 So pretty!! ❤️ 3y
TheBookHippie Ohhhhh prettty!!! 3y
GingerAntics @JenlovesJT47 @TheBookHippie I am really loving all of these word cloud classics. They feel nice and look nice. They look amazing on the shelf. 3y
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Branwen YASSSSSS! Beautiful! 💕 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I just started ordering 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏽‍♀️ 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I‘ve been stocking up since February, I think. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics 🤣🤍🤍🤍 3y
batsy Ooh lovely 😍 3y
BiblioLitten It‘s gorgeous 😍 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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The library had a few different adaptations of Black Beauty including graphic novel form.


UwannaPublishme 😍😍😍 3y
PurpleyPumpkin All are beautiful!💜 3y
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Black Beauty | Anna Sewell
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Well, two chapters in...
I love that the horse is the narrator,
the word plantation bothers me
(Yes I realise when it was written)
Otherwise I find the writing quite lovely.
... also I have not one horse bookmark ... I must remedy this.

batsy I do not have a horse bookmark, either, and that seems wrong 😆 I don't have a print copy yet but found this on Serial Reader and that seems ideal in terms of doing an issue a day for the whole month 🙂 3y
GingerAntics My copy doesn‘t get here until tomorrow. I‘m debating getting a digital copy until it gets here, or just being patient. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I have trouble with patience 😂 3y
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TheBookHippie @batsy How does that even happen ?! I can‘t believe it! 🐴🐎🏇🏻🎠 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie you and me both 3y
UwannaPublishme Now we know what to get you and @batsy for your birthdays!! 🐴🐴🐴 My copy is in a storage box somewhere, so I‘m on Serial Reader too. 3y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme 🤍🤍I just searched my school box my sticker box no horse we are laughing so hard like how can that be ? 3y
PurpleyPumpkin I finally was able to get around to starting this after work today. I have my trusty physical copy, but I'm also listening to the audiobook. If anyone is interested in the audio version, you can listen for free online from Audible, stories.audible.com. And I will have to take a look to see if I have a horse bookmark. Not sure...🤔 3y
batsy @UwannaPublishme 😁🐎 (I'm enjoying the pace on Serial Reader) 3y
UwannaPublishme @batsy Me too! But we‘re probably missing some beautiful illustrations. 3y
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