Yesss! It's here. Anyone else excited?
Yesss! It's here. Anyone else excited?
Really wanting to reread this book! But I have a book for school I have to read called The Island of the Colorblind. It's been a bit hard to start. Anyways I just moved and by now I'm mostly moved in so here's a picture of my new bookcase! ❤️📚
Sorry for the long absence. I have been quite busy w/ moving and such. I did however find time to read the Paper Magician trilogy. I really enjoyed it. I found myself missing the world created in the book once the story was over and wish the book showed more of it. I also hear that Disney bought the film rights to this series and think it would make an excellent film/s if they stick with the original storyline and really bring the world to life.
I feel a little more accomplished when I read by the pool instead of hiding indoors with a book all day. Haha Idk why. But guys I need help finishing this book I'm about 5 chapters in and just hasn't hooked me yet. Please help!
I really enjoyed the Grisha trilogy and it's bittersweet to see it come to an end. Lots twists and turns. The end was a little unexpected. The story closes in a way that doesn't let you forget the loss the characters faced to get to happiness they have at the end. (Artwork:Pinterest)
So I'm starting Ruin and Rising tonight. Can't wait to read the ending to this series. Once I'm finished I'll probably start Everland and then go to Red Queen! I'm really trying to get the books I already have read so I don't have to feel too guilty about buying more. ☺️
Finished this yesterday. The second book in the trilogy so naturally there are some slow bits. But there is plenty of action and the story is unfolding to be very interesting! The twist and turns are great! Loving the Grisha world. Also I found this awesome artwork on Pinterest.
Omg! This book! I started this late last night and just finished it. It's THAT good. I couldn't put it down. Female lead that's coming into her own and is determined to fight for what's right. I had a love/hate relationship with the villain. He's awesome. I can't wait for the next book! 📖
I have so many books on my shelf that I still need to read. Help me! What should I read next? I've read Shatter Me and Da Vinci's Tiger already, but the rest are still TBR. 📚
This is the first book of the series so there is lots of plot building and unanswered questions by the end. The main character still has a lot of growth to do, but I can see her becoming a strong female lead and not so afraid of everything. Can't wait to read the second book!
So I'm trying to relisten and read both TID and TMI, but the TMI is so hard to relisten to when you know all the plot twists. Like you just want to scream at the characters; she's not your sister! He's evil! It's the darn lake! Anyone else feel that way?
My favorite book and only book I collect multiple copies of. I currently have own five copies. Two English, two French, and pop up edition. 😝 my favorite copy is the French educational edition since it's the copy I first read. Does anyone collect copies of a favorite book? Which one?
Second book following Feyre's story. If you love stories that have fairytale retellings, magic, and a strong female lead, you'll love this! I think this was better than the 1st because personally I'm over the possessive, over protective male leads! Love Feyre and her continuing story. ❤️❤️
Just started this series and so far it seems like an interesting concept. I enjoy dystopian novels especially reading how the author setups the new society. I think it's going to be a quick read so I should have the review up in a day or two. 🤓 have you read Shatter Me? What'd you think?