Sorry for the crappy Kindle pic! Photography is not my strong suit. (Disclaimer: this is the ugly side of my quilt.)
Now that we've got that out of the way, the book! A decent read but not memorable. The characters are interesting enough, but there are a few too many of them, which I think makes all the characterizations suffer. I'll probably give it 3 stars on Goodreads, 2.5 if I could.
I expected too much due to the hype. This book felt too long, which is never a good sign. And I figured out the end halfway through, which never, ever happens to me. Also, **SPOILER** two violent husbands in one book? That suggests the author's trying too hard.
Finally, the "unstable narrator" bit was badly overcooked. It rested mostly on Rachel's drinking problem, which was mentioned 47,386 times in this book.
Decent book, nothing special.