I read this one a while ago but I remember it centered around an accident at a community #pool 🏊♀️
I read this one a while ago but I remember it centered around an accident at a community #pool 🏊♀️
This book was just ok for me. Not great but I enjoyed the last third of the book pretty well. There were too many characters and the story is told from too many points of view for me. I wasn‘t super invested in any of the characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
“In an idyllic small-town neighborhood, a near tragedy triggers a series of dark revelations.”
The story moves very slowly with almost nothing happening—except everyone has secrets, which were interesting enough.
Book 1 of #24b4Monday finished. (#25inFive, too.)
Current time: 1h21m
Next up: Hometown Girl #PopJarGame
I‘ll (hopefully) be finishing the tagged book and Ink and Bone this weekend, but everything else I read is up to #PopJarGame. #24b4Monday #25inFive
Pretty good dinner tonight. The best part of work travel
This was a quick read. There‘s the story, and the stories behind the story. Each character has a secret that‘s festering. There‘s a lot of hope and redemption in how the author wraps things up. This was my first book by Whalen. I‘m definitely interested in reading a second one!
I took a break to watch Christmas movies with the family. I think it‘s time to get back to it. Can I finish this one before I fall asleep? I‘m going to try! #24B4MONDAY #readathon #readinglife
Starting this one next! I don‘t think I‘m going to hit #24B4MONDAY, but this is the most I‘ve read in a long time. So happy to be jumping back in with both feet! #readinglife
I really enjoyed this, it's very easy to read, the characters are well thought out and all the tangled secrets kept me turning the pages. This is about how one incident can change a whole neighbourhood, draw out the secrets and unite a community. A book that leaves you smiling.
Another Kindle First selection for me, this book was decent but not great. The writing was a bit slow but the characters were enjoyable. Unfortunately, I just don‘t see me remembering much about this book in six months.
In Sycamore Glen, North Carolina, a near tragedy at the community pool incites a succession of dark revelations and the unraveling of multiple secrets
Perfect end to a perfect day 💕
On the positive side this was a quick read. On the negative side I just didn't really buy a lot of it. The wanting to find out everyone's secrets kept me reading and I liked the ending.
Late start on my book for the girly book club meeting on Wednesday. Looking forward to this one and hopefully it's a quick read.
I really enjoyed this book. No great mystery, nothing spectacular, but a book that felt genuine, characters that felt real, emotions that read true. Not my usual cup of tea, more mainstream than my usual genre fiction, but I liked this book more than anything I've read lately. It was refreshing.
This is pretty much pure beach read material. An almost tragedy brings out everyone's dirty laundry. Not bad for a quick read. Nothing earth shattering here.
Good light read, that's not a bodice ripper. It was nice to read something that was so grounded in reality and not fantasy. Book reflects the title very well.
Overall the book was an okay read. I think would have been better served with fewer storylines and more focus on one or two of them, not that they didn't work or tie in, but it was a bit lighthearted for my tastes; although could have been darker given the number of secrets being harbored by nearly all the characters. Quick, easy read with mostly likable characters..
Thought about a thumbs up but couldn't. The author focused on certain aspects, but then barely touched on horrible and creepy things, making it seem like they didn't matter. And she took one of the most horrible, painful things a couple could endure and turned it into what seemed tabloid fodder. There are things that should only be written about if you've experienced it. And if she had, she never would have chosen that particular story line. Grrr.
#AtoZLitsyReadingChallenge #T
Just finished this. I truly enjoyed it. I didn't expect some of what happened, which is great. We do all have things we wish were true, and keeping secrets from those we say we love is destructive, even if only to ourselves. It was a quuck, easy read, and free with Amazon prime (no coins were earned with the plug; just thrilled with the access).
So if you want a quick, easy read that has you wondering, this is one.
And yet, Jencey understood, there were the things she wished were true, and there was what was actually true. She was learning that there was usually a great distance between the two.
When your toddler steals your kindle... you wait. Never mind the photo bombers in the background!
Started this yesterday...free with my Amazon Prime. Really enjoying it so far. Why did Jencey have to flee? What happened to the missing kid? Just two of the many questions I want answered, and want answered now! Not sure where we're going, but I'm in for the duration.
The kids are playing "quietly" before bed. I am doing this and pretending to listen to "mom, watch this!"
This book started off as slow as a languid summer afternoon in the south. It's a story of a neighborhood that seems innocent until one by one, the secrets of each neighbor is revealed and unraveled. I listened to the audio version of this and it was a great way to pass the time while driving.
I really enjoyed this book I got through #netgalley I know part of it is that I belong to a community pool and can relate to so much of that world and the drama that goes on. And the sentiment above is something I feel every August especially since I work in a school and it means the end of my summer vacation. This was a quick, interesting read.
The plot was a little predictable, but the characters were likable. It took 3/4 of the book to really build up. I kept waiting for something to happen and then BAM!!
Multi-tasking at its finest. I feel like I can't get enough reading in on the weekends sometimes. Lol
There is a lot going on in this book and though there were parts I enjoyed and that drew me in, there were others that didn't. I have to say, there were times I got irritated with the author because I felt she was pulling me around by the nose, dropping hints but not wanting to reveal what was going on. I enjoy suspense in novels but this did not come across as suspense to me. That being said, I did like the book but I didn't love it.
I am a sucker for Southern Fiction, but this was more than that. There was mystery/suspense, romance, a few unsavory characters to wade through and I enjoyed every bit of it. The characters were imperfect, but I found myself growing fond of most of them. The story is a slice of life during one summer in a southern town. The setting was pure Americana, but the individual stories broke my heart and inspired me. I'll recommend this one to friends!
This novel, about characters in a present-day small town, got a so-so rating b/c although I did read to the end, it wasn't very deep. Not only did most of the characters have unusual names making it difficult to keep track of who was who, they weren't developed enough. However, the author provided very real portrayals of how it feels to be a parent trying to navigate their kids' social lives along with their own. (Pic b/c there's gardening).
A new release for $1.99 on Audible? And my next road trip begins tomorrow? Sold!
The e-book that I'm reading at the fitness center. Working out my brain as well as my body because I'm still trying to sort out who is who -- at one point I even thought, it's as if the author used a list of her favorite baby names for her characters. Then this comes up in the book! 🤔
Finished this in one sitting. Predictable but still very interesting. Thoroughly enjoyed my Sunday evening reading
The book was so confusing. Every single character had an unusual name. Seriously, here are just a few of the major characters: Cailey, Jencey, Zell, Bryte, Zara, Pilar .... I was so distracted identifying the characters with their names that I lost focus on the storyline. Too bad because it may have been a good book otherwise.
Each chapter is named after one of the characters. What the heck kind of names are these? I am having a hard time keeping everybody straight because of the unusual names. Maybe one or two but everyone's name is odd in this book.
After reading the thousand page Voyager and then trying to get through Foxlowe, I decided I would try a little lighter fare. This was my pick.