been wanting to read this for a while, especially after hearing such amazing things about it! ✨
have you read it? what did you think?
been wanting to read this for a while, especially after hearing such amazing things about it! ✨
have you read it? what did you think?
ON THE BLOG: the bone witch by rin chupeco book review ✨
search up 'sprinkledpages.blogspot.com.au' to read my thoughts on the book! 💕
do you ever DNF books? 🙊
funny thing is, i had originally DNFed this book the first time i read it but then i gave it a second chance and ended up loving it! 👌🏼
a lil sunday shelfie for you all ✨
i recently got new shelves and i absolutely love them because i finally don't have stacks of books lying around now 😂
how do you arrange your shelves? i love rainbow shelves 👌🏼
thank you so much to the lovely people at harper collins for sending me this gorgeous new fantasy release ✨
do you like to read fantasy?
what's a book/series you've been wanting to re-read? ✨
i've been wanting to re-read this series in FOREVER but no idea when i'll be able to get around to it 😪
what are you currently reading? i'm making my way through THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END and then i'll be picking this beauty up! ✨
i've brought it along with me on my mini trip to cairns and hopefully i get a chance to read it soon because i've heard amazing things about the author who is aussie! 🇦🇺💕
i'm super excited to read this gorgeous book and you can't see it in this photo BUT IT HAS STAINED PAGES 👀👌🏼 (umm yes please!)
what are you currently reading? ✨
this was a lovely and fast paced read! i didn't expect to enjoy it as much as i did and overall it left me feeling quite satisfied! 👌🏼👌🏼
for more, read my no spoiler book review + interview with the author! (link in bio!) ✨
i have one more day of school left before i get a term break 🎉 (not that i'm counting or anything 😌😬)
i just need the holidays because the term has been so stressful and all i want to do is spend an entire day reading and blogging. is that really so much to ask for? 😒
also i'm really excited to finally get around to reading the second book in this series because i ADORED And I Darken 😍
what's one of the best sequels you've read this year?
i love love love retellings! i was such a fairytale person as a child and seeing my favourite YA authors put their own spin on a fairytale makes me so SO happy 😍
if you didn't know, flame in the mist is a mulan retelling set in feudal japan and it's one of my favourite reads of this year!
what's your favourite retelling?
i haven't yet had a chance to read Assassin's Blade and to be honest i'm not really sure I want to because i'm not an huge fan of throne of glass OR novellas 😬 but at least it's pretty! 🤷🏽♀️😌
do you read novellas or prequels? have you read Assassin's Blade? ⚔️
my feed has been SUCH a mess recently but i did want to share these two gorgeous books i picked up from my library! 👌🏼✨
i've already read you're welcome universe and it was such an awesome read and i'm really looking forward to getting to the bone witch because it sounds cool! 😌
have you read any of these? thoughts? 🤔
in all honesty, i've been wanting to read this SINCE it came out and now i've finally gotten around to it! 👌🏼
the writing is even more beautiful than the first one and it's such a captivating read! i highly recommend this duology to fantasy and mythology lovers! ✨
what are you currently reading? 💖
I AM SO EXCITED TO READ EMPRESS OF A THOUSAND SKIES! 👏🏼 it seems so epic and i've heard such fantastic things about it! other than that, i have already read EVERYTHING I NEVER TOLD YOU which i absolutely adored and 10/10 would recommend! 👌🏼
quick question! do you buy books online or in store? and which do you prefer?
i read this amazing book a while ago and AHA you guys it was so brilliant if you haven't read it yet GET ONTO IT 👌🏼
it's an amazing story about friendship and kindness and what it means to have a home and family and it's one of the most moving books ever! 👏🏼
what's the last book that made you cry? do you cry in books? 😬 (i totally do!)
currently reading ✨
i'm making my way through this oh so slowly and ugh i don't know i just haven't been enjoying them (or any other book for that matter 😬)
hi HELLO LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUS BOOK OH MY GOSH 👀 (also hello people of litsey 👋🏼)
i am so excited to finally have it in my hands because i've wanted to read it since it came out! ✨
for those who don't know what it is, it's a diverse sci-fi by an author of colour and IM SO READY FOR IT BECAUSE IT SOUNDS EPIC! (hopefully this gets me out of my reading slump too!)
what are you currently reading? 😍