The first in a great series of mystery novels. I'm up to book 7 now and see no signs of stopping. Great for filling in during the off season for the new tv show.
The first in a great series of mystery novels. I'm up to book 7 now and see no signs of stopping. Great for filling in during the off season for the new tv show.
Mans romantic views of nature clashes with the harsh reality of nature. Very well written and a hell of an ending. If you like Westerns, philosophical fiction, or adventure, check it out.
Probably the most well researched book on Nazi Concentration Camps ever written. At least in the last decade. Not as daunting as I initially thought it would be, though at times it could be a little dry. Given the shear amount of information that can be expected. Well worth the read if WW2, or German history interests you in any way.
Not as good as Ubik, but still worth a read if you like Philip K. Dick. Very different from the movie, so nothing should be spoiled for you.
The single best critique of liberal democracy out there. If you believe in individual liberty and human freedom, you need to read this book.
A classic of of WW2, totalitarianism versus freedom, and the state versus the individual. A must read.
What happens at the end of a post-apocalyptic period? How does humanity start again? Who brings the world back? That is the essential story, and it's a great one.
The birth of emo? Probably. There are some undeniably beautiful and gut wrenching passages in here, but overall it comes across much like a teen whining about unrequited love. Worth a read, but not a re-read.
How can one describe that last, quick look at a beloveds face? How can a man live with the merciless memory of how, during the silence of parting, he blinked for a moment to hide the crude joy he felt at having managed to save his life?
"What does a woman who has lost her children care about a philosophers definition of good and evil?"
The Ambrose Bierce story 'The Damned Thing' is worth the cost of the book alone. This collection of cosmic horror will have you reading with a nightlight.
"A soul can live in torment for years and years, even decades, as it slowly, stone by stone, builds a mound over a grave; as it moves towards the apprehension of eternal loss and bows down before reality."
"Instead of valour or gallantry, you could hear the sadness of a soul parting with everything it loved..."
The story follows Max, a concert pianist through his life, brutal death, and afterlife. A very original take on what comes next for humans. Both funny and heartbreaking, this is a truly original novel. Very quick read, and well worth it.
Probably one of the best, if unknown books focusing on life in Hitlers Germany. Focusing on a nonviolent resistance campaign, the characters are larger than life. I actually ended up missing them for weeks after I finished.
Unquestionably hard to read, but once you get a feel for McCarthys writing style, the pages just melt away. The Judge is one of those characters that embodies pure evil and viscousness, yet you consistently want to know more.
This quintessential high fantasy novel is probably the best "modern" telling of Merlyn and King Arthur. Quite long at almost 700 pages, but they truly fly by. Very enjoyable.
The book that really turned me into an avid reader. I think many in my generation will be able to identify with Bone. Part Holden Caufield, part Odysseus, part every teen, bone leaves home and learns a lot about himself and the world he inhabits in this fantastic novel.
A space noir sci-fi adventure. Book one in a growing series is fast paced and incredibly interesting. Very well thought out science, but not overly difficult to grasp.
A really smart, fast paced sci-fi thriller in the same vein as the Martian. Can't wait for the second one to come out.
A book lovers book. Just a perfectly told story. Nothing more nothing less. I missed the characters when it ended.
Very original spin on the often overused apocalyptic genre. Thoroughly enjoyed.
An incredibly difficult book to get into. The poetic language reminded me of Ulysses if it were set in a city being effected by some crazy catastrophe. Beautiful written and challenging to read. If you start it, make sure you have the time to finish it. It's worth it.
A perfect conclusion to a wonderful series. I do wish there would be more books, but it ended well. In a couple years I'll have to re-read them.
The first book in this trilogy blew me away. This one was good, though not as good as the first. If you've read the first, you must read this to get to the phenomenal conclusion in book 3. Well worth the effort.
Fantastic trilogy. The Passage bk 1 can take a little bit to get into the action, but it's well worth it. Book 2 slowed down a bit. Just finished book 3 (coming out in a couple weeks) and wow, perfect ending. I miss the characters already.
One of the most original, and deeply unsettling books I've ever read. A labyrinth of a book that makes you feel as trapped as the characters. Well worth the effort. Top-ten.
Ken Kesey sure knew how to capture the spirit of a time. One of the best, and most tragic novels to come out of the 1960's.
"All I know is this: nobody's very big in the first place, and it looks to me like everybody spends their whole life tearing everybody else down."
While I really enjoyed The Stand by Stephen King, I found this novel to be far superior on almost every level. More engaging characters, better climax, and a much more enjoyable story overall. If you liked The Stand, or any post- apocalyptic stories, you should love this.
One of the best sci-fi novels I have ever read. At times both chilling and darkly funny. Certainly my favorite Of Philip K Dicks work.
Somewhere between the American Revolution, and the settlement of Australia, but set in space. Heinlein brings his signature Liberty loving style. Highly recommend.
An excellent, darkly funny novel. If you like British humor, this is for you. If you like sci-fi, this is for you. Definitely on my top ten list. Do NOT read the introduction to the book, for some unknowable reason it contains spoilers.