Coetzee has a writing style that is BEYOND. The best summation of how excellent this was is that for next quarter I'm trying to take a class solely on Coetzee 🍃
Coetzee has a writing style that is BEYOND. The best summation of how excellent this was is that for next quarter I'm trying to take a class solely on Coetzee 🍃
I loved how the plot all boiled down to uncertainty, and how this was explored, especially as I'm entering the later portion of my uni life ❤️
I've maybe read five books about the South ever, and now I'll have to search out a lot more. Read it 💚
Marlon James is here to show all the other authors up; the problem with making this year my literary fiction year is that each book is better than the next
I've had the box set of Little House since I was seven and reread all the other books half a dozen times apiece, minimum, and yet this book has never even been cracked #unconsciousmisandry Seeing as I love Almanzo in later books, and have left it unread for fourteen years, I think it's finally time 😂❤️
I got this book at the Science Museum when I was ten, and thus began a long fascination with genetics (see: current love for Orphan Black). An excellent bit of thriller YA! It's not going to win the Booker, but that's not what it's for ❤️
Really interesting read about the post-WW2 changes in China through the eyes of one woman. Not always riveting, but worth a look
This one hasn't got the love of my other Tamora Pierce, as I've had it the shortest time (this was my very first reread!), but it's proven itself this time around 💙
First one of these lil penguins I've read, and I love them! This was the perfect size and length for a trip to Kew Gardens, and the story was brilliant 🌻
My first Hemingway, and it was excellent. His writing reminds me of a good tool; it gets the job done as it should, with no fuss at all. I feel that's a description Hemingway would appreciate 🐟🌊
I waited and waited to read this book to outlast the hype; it was all deserved. This ones gunning for a spot as one of my best books of 2016 💛🌿
J.K. Rowling has done it again ⚡️💛
Loved it! This is basically the only author from my teenage supernatural YA infatuation who has stood the test of time; these books are just as amazing as when I picked the very first VA book up eight years ago 🌿
I don't like to call books required reading, but this one really is! Aside from the tidying that physically results, reading it is like a spring clean for your mind ❤️
I'd only read one of her essays before, and it was my favourite ever essay, and now she has some competition from herself
Her writing is a cross between a fairytale and your friend next door, and I love it 💚 can't wait to read another by her
This reread confirms this books spot as one of my all time favourite books ⛅️
If you expected to love Holden Caulfield but just couldn't stomach how he treated women, then this is the perfect choice. I LOVED it, and the protagonist is one of my new favourites 😍
Finally got around to reading this and it was excellent. Short, but insightful, and particularly good since I only knew fragments about the politics of sex work before.
One of the best books I have ever read. No question. Read it. You have to.
"Nobody saw them falling." My girlfriend was right; this is one of the worlds best books, and Toni Morrison one of the most skilful writers, bar none
Trying to finish as many current reads as possible before I fly home tomorrow - I've got a lot of pages ahead of me
Nothing like some Tamora Pierce to finally break you out of a reading slump ☀️🌿
It's only a 100pg excerpt, but I've been dragging it out cause I don't want it to end 😥 looks like Laini Taylor will continue her reign as one of my faves 😍 Autumn can't come soon enough 💛