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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
Winner of the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a coming-out novel from Winterson, the acclaimed author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. The narrator, Jeanette, cuts her teeth on the knowledge that she is one of Gods elect, but as this budding evangelical comes of age, and comes to terms with her preference for her own sex, the peculiar balance of her God-fearing household crumbles.
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This was a decent coming-of-age novel about growing up as a gay woman in an evangelical Christian household.

Both wryly amusing, and really quite sad, the church (rather than the MC's sexuality) is the centerpiece of this novel. Winterson both highlights the tragedy of and pokes fun at inflexible zealotry.

All of the fairytale / Arthurian asides should have been edited out. They add nothing to the story & stick out like a sore thumb.

Leniverse I see that criticism of the fairytale parts a lot, but for me they really worked as an allegory and as part of her coming to terms with herself. 10mo
Liz_M I liked this, but I loved her nonfiction book covering the same territory more. 10mo
Clare-Dragonfly I want to read this now knowing that there are fairytale/Arthurian asides 😆 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly Noooooo, they are rubbish and lead nowhere!!!!!!! But it is a worthwhile book to read. You should let @Leniverse and me know whether you appreciate the asides or not! 😊😇 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M I hope to read it! 😊 10mo
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson

This was both what I was expecting and exactly NOT what I was expecting. I'm not too good with stream of conscious and soc adjacent books and it tends to be a killswitch for me.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I thought this was NonFiction but it‘s not entirely that. The parts that I believe are autobiographical I liked but when it veered into the fiction story telling I got lost. I wanted more of Jeanette‘s story.

#Booked2022 #Acomingoutstory #DoubleSpin

Cinfhen I always thought this was a memoir!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Not my fav of Winterson‘s books but interesting and comical in spots.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This story might be wholly true or be wholly fictional. I still wasn't sure by the end.

#literature #lesbian

AllDebooks Love JW. Highly recommend her biography 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Winterson's first semiautobiographical novel describes her upbringing wjth a religious zealot for a mother. J doesn't question much about this life until she falls in love with a woman, and is then forced to choose between what she's always known and what she knows to be true. The mother is a force to be reckoned with.😳 Her angry, twisted faith raises a story of self-discovery into a battle between good and evil. It made for riveting reading 👇

merelybookish Winterson is funny in her descriptions of her church life & her grief over losing it comes through too. She recognizes her mother as complicated & cruel but is not without empathy for her. All that said, this is my 3rd Winterson novel and perhaps my last. While I recognize her genius, there is something bloodless about her prose that leaves me a bit cold. Of the ones Ive read, this is by far my favourite. Published in 1985 #192025 @Librarybelle 2y
JamieArc Have you read the tagged book? I don‘t really remember the stories, but I remember her commentaries on the holiday and found it so interesting! 2y
Suet624 I‘ve always meant to read this. (edited) 2y
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BarbaraBB I loved this one too but i read it ages ago. 2y
BarbaraBB My favorite book by her is 2y
Librarybelle I‘m amazed I‘ve not read anything by her! 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Finally reading book that's probably been on my #TBR since about 1995.

vivastory You added this to your TBR when you were 5?! 2y
Ruthiella @vivastory She‘s always been a precocious reader! 😂😂😂 2y
vivastory @Ruthiella I support that!! 2y
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merelybookish @vivastory @Ruthiella I was a precocious reader but not THAT precocious! 😆👵 2y
BarbaraBB I really liked this one - back in 1995 😉 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Whoaa that‘s a long time sitting on your shelves 🫡 2y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm I think I bought it for a class when I was in school, but then didn't read it. 🙈 That's not this copy. 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This book was really different and I‘m not quite sure how to describe it. I couldn‘t put it down and found it really intriguing. The prose is certainly unique, and perhaps not for everyone, but I liked it.

slategreyskies It‘s been years since I read this, and I don‘t remember it anymore, but I know I liked it enough to look up several of her other books. 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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"He would have cooked it himself but for my mother's complete conviction that she was the only person in our house who could tell a saucepan from a piano".

Only a few pages in and I already have a strong feeling I will enjoy this one...

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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June reading wrap-up 🌈 This month, my main reading focus was on books featuring LGBTQIA+ authors and/or characters, while my secondary goal was to finish a few books I'd begun in previous months. I managed to finish 11 books, including 2 ARCs, and found a new 5⭐️ read from my top 10 2022 TBR stack.
🥇Oranges are Not the Only Fruit
🥈In Other Lands (re-read)
🥉Nettle & Bone

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson

The writing strikes me as a bit odd. It seems to jump around and focus at length on parts of the story that would otherwise be insignificant. I don't know yet what to make of it.

Wesleypaker @Shae_Purcell Hello 👋 how are you doing ? I‘m new here 2y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I'm not sure how I hadn't picked this up before now.
JW tells of growing up as the adopted daughter - intended as a missionary - of the fiercely combative evangelist Mrs W... until J falls for one of her female converts. I guess it would be called auto-fiction these days: was it *really* shelved in the cookery section originally?! (That's a great story in itself.) I wasn't expecting the humour. Anyway, I wolfed it down!

Suet624 I had no idea about the shelving! 3y
LeahBergen I‘ve been meaning to read this for years. 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Excellent in every way. An unusual coming of age story. Just the right mix of troubling and funny. Need to track down the BBC adaptation next.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Everyone else has gone to bed. In the Gladstone Library lounge it's just me, a dying fire, and the wind howling against the walls. And the books. 📚🤓

@scripturient @julesG @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @Oryx @TrishB @CGainor3

kspenmoll So festive! 3y
TrishB Just about still reading in bed 😁 3y
Cathythoughts Fabulous! Enjoy ❤️ 3y
Caroline2 Have a fab weekend! 😁 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I enjoyed this semi-autobiography coming-of-age story that also had fairy tales woven throughout.
Apparently I failed to add a few of my current reads to my Bingo list/card (darn it). Esther likes to hide her head under the sofa. I don‘t think she knew I took this photo. #EstherAssisting #DogsofLitsy

BkClubCare Wow, I didn‘t realize how color coordinated her collar is to the book cover 🤣 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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“There are different sorts of TEACHERY, but betrayal is betrayal wherever you find it.”

Do you think she meant treachery? Typo? 🤣

(The following is what my voice translator thought I said:

“There are different sorts of Teatree, but the trail is beep trail wherever you find it.”) 🤣🤓 #beeptrail

Ruthiella Oopsie! 🙊 3y
CBee Gotta watch out for those beep trails 😂😂 3y
BkClubCare @CBee - this made me laugh and laugh. 3y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - oopsie daisy 🌼🌸🌺 3y
CBee @BkClubCare 😂 yay!! 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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so tender & approaches complex/expansive themes of dogmatic religion and burgeoning sexuality with such acuity. winterson‘s prose is so smooth & full. only gripe with the novel would be the holes in the story behind her eventual self actualisation (for lack of a better term)

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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A semi-autobiographical novel, sharp and dryly funny recounting a childhood under religious extremism. As the story progressed and Jeanette interspersed fairytale & legend to convey her mythic journey to self-acceptance, I was wanting deeper cuts, something less tidy.

But Winterson has said she “wrote a story I could live with. The other one was too painful. I could not survive it.” and a survivable lesbian story was invaluable then and is still.

kspenmoll Nice review! 3y
tenar @kspenmoll Thank you! 🧡 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Finally getting around to this 1985 book. It‘s Winterson‘s quasi-fictional-memoir (I‘m just making up terms now!) of her childhood in a fundamentalist household. It‘s very short & somehow both warm hearted & spiky. Winterson overtly plays with history versus story telling, questioning the possibility of one truth. I found it fascinating but the fairytale and Arthurian leaps were a little long winded for me. I will read more from her for sure.

KathyWheeler I bought this several years ago, but I keep losing it! This makes no sense to me. I find it and put it up, but when I go back for it, it‘s not in the place where I thought it was. It‘s lost again right now. 3y
Centique @KathyWheeler how strange is that?!! It must be hiding from you 😂😂 3y
KathyWheeler @Centique I know! 🙄 3y
andrew61 If you get chance I'd recommend reading why be happy when you can be normal as well, it is her memoir about her childhood and the after effects . Sorry I know that is probably adding to that pile of books. 3y
Centique @andrew61 I definitely want to read that one! I‘d like to know more about her childhood certainly. 3y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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“Read yourself as a fiction as well as a fact.When I was growing up poor in a poor place with a pair of Pentecostal parents who were waiting for Jesus to return, I never thought my life was narrow or my chances bleak. I thought I was Heathcliff, Huck Finn, Hotspur, Aladdin, the Big Bad Wolf. And later I had my favourite books stashed in the boot. This wasn‘t a fantasy world or escapism - though it was an escape; it was the hidden door. Open it.”

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson

”Aika on hyvä turruttaja. Ihmiset unohtavat, kyllästyvät, vanhenevat, katoavat.”

”Kuolleessa on jotain viekoittelevaa. Kuollutta voi kohdella kaltoin, muuttaa ja värittää. Se ei valita.”

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This is the coming-of-age story of Jeanette - adopted & raised in a religious household with a forbidding, zealous adoptive mother who grooms her to become a missionary. Heavily influenced by the Bible teachings, Jeanette has no friends in school; & surrounded by fundamentalist christians in her community, she struggles to find her place in the world ⬇️

#Booked2020 #BottomOfYourTbr
#jennyis30 #religion

erzascarletbookgasm ... & make others accept her sexuality. The novel captures the religious fanaticism well, & I enjoyed the wit-dry humour throughout. Good but not great. 4y
TheSpineView 👍🤩😊 4y
Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read this FOREVER!! Great review ❤️ 4y
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Liz_M On the near future, you should read the tagged book, which is basically the memoir companion book! 4y
Kalalalatja Me too @Cinfhen 🙈 4y
Cathythoughts Great review Jessie. ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
youneverarrived I was going to say the same @Liz_M 😁 brill review and I love the photo. 4y
Jas16 I read this book about 20 years ago and reading your review made me realize that I do not remember a thing about it. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen @Kalalalatja I got this displeasing MTI cover many years ago. Glad to have finally read it! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts @youneverarrived Thanks. @Liz_M I have that on my tbr, hopefully will get to that next year. ☺️ 4y
Suet624 @Jas16 I was thinking the same thing. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Jas16 @Suet624 I‘ll probably won‘t remember much of this in a few years 😬 4y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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It is creative. Biography mixed with fairy tale stories. If is hard to know what is real and what is not, throughout.
It is a quick read and fairly interesting.
I had trouble with the author never saying how old she was at any given time which left me often confused.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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finished this a couple of days ago and still unsure how I feel! for me the blurb is misleading as the story is almost completely set before Jeanette leaves home and it‘s not really what the book is about. nonetheless, I did enjoy it, but disliked some of the fables/teachings it digressed into and found myself rushing over them to get back to the story proper. 3⭐️

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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“Write what you know is reasonable advice. Read what you don‘t know is better advice.” 🍊📖

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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I loved this book. The writing style may not be for everyone, but it reminded me a lot of how I think so I enjoyed it. I felt it ended too soon and I wanted so much more for Jeannette, but it was an interesting insight into her community.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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1. I always thought I was 💦 but the quiz says I‘m 🔥

2. People of the Book- it had been recommended a few times but once I finally read it I loved it

3. I just got the tagged book from Libby


Eggs Thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚👍🏼💕 4y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🍊 4y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This is the 2nd book, I‘ve read by Winterson, my first, being a short story Christmas collection (it‘s brilliant). I‘m finding Winterson has a strong, unique voice, which bounces back & forth, from the poignant to the absurd. This book from what I can tell is autobiographical, & focuses on her evangelical Christian upbringing in the north of England. With biblical and Arthurian references scattered throughout, it‘s been quite a quick and fun read.

Mitch Love that cover! 4y
catebutler @Mitch Isn‘t it great!! 👍🏼 4y
BiblioLitten Lovely picture! 🧡 4y
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catebutler @BiblioLitten Thank you, Archana!! 🥰 4y
Billypar I read it earlier this year and loved it - I had the feeling that I found a new favorite author. I have Written on the Body on my TBR shelf. 4y
catebutler @Billypar The more I read her, the more I think the same. I‘m so looking forward to adding more of her books to my TBR, including, 4y
Freespirit Great review Cate 4y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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So funny and irreverent and full of quotable material - I loved this book. It‘s about a woman who is brought up in an Evangelist church and struggles to fit in. It was very relatable - my childhood was similar.

DrexEdit This was my first Winterson. I just love reading her books! 😊 💜 📚 4y
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I loved every last page of this coming of age story about a girl (also named 'Jeanette') raised in a peculiar evangelical community that enjoys activities as varied as singing and performing exorcisms, and we witness her growing awareness of the world outside her community. She imagines fairy tales with this vivid imagery that reoccurs and lends insight into her situation. It has a style that defies description - you just have to read it! 🍊

monalyisha I took a course called “Beauty & Desire in American Novels” in college & we read “Written on the Body” by her. I felt much the same! 💖 4y
Aimeesue Jeanette Winterson ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Billypar @monalyisha This would be an excellent choice for a college course. It's not a lengthy book, but it's got so much to unpack and it's a good example of writing where you're deep inside the main character's consciousness. I put Written on the Body on my TBR right after finishing. 4y
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Billypar @Aimeesue It's my first of hers: I had that feeling you get when you've just found a new favorite author. 4y
LeahBergen This is one I‘ve been meaning to read for years! 4y
Billypar @LeahBergen I loved the style: she's able to say a lot with very few words. Hope you like it when you do pick it up! 4y
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I'm halfway through my first Winterson and really enjoying it so far! 🍊🍊🍊

jveezer Ugh. Way past time to raise men not to be beasts. 4y
Billypar @jveezer Seriously - true in the 1980s when this was written and still true today! 4y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson

January 2020

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So disappointing. I thought I‘d love this book but it was arduous. Yes the mother was a nutter but a lot of religious zealots are. Also didn‘t like the stories running parallel. Were they meant to be like the bible parables? Anyway not for me ⭐️⭐️

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I can't thing of anything orange that's more terrifying.

#ChillingPhotoChallenge #Orange

@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid

Gezemice Ouch. Indeed. 5y
Amiable Agreed! 5y
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madamereadsalot1 😆🙌 5y
Trashcanman 👏👏👏👏👏👏♥️ 5y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Young Jeannette adores her church and her role as powerful sermonizer, but her love of women doesn‘t fit so neatly into her mother‘s idea of success.

Read July 6-13
Book 38/55

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I personally loved this one. Near-absent father, overbearing mother, a small community...and poor can‘t-fit-in-anywhere Jeanette. This book has wit and a heroine who doesn‘t change who she is just to make others comfortable. 161/1,001 #1001Books #ReadingRainbow

Liz_M Have you read the tagged memoir? I actually enjoyed it more -- more straight-forward. 5y
AshleyHoss820 @Liz_M I haven‘t, but it keeps popping up, so I added it to my TBR on GoodReads!! Thank you! 😄😄😊 5y
Liz_M Excellent! 5y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Well, I‘m not sure whether to say this was an appropriate mother‘s day read or not. 🤔

All family relationships are on the messy spectrum, though some are more destructive than others.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I suspect I grabbed another dysfunctional family read.......

BlameJennyJane Aren‘t they all? 🤣🤣🤣 5y
LeahBergen Another book I‘ve always meant to read. 🙄 5y
Joanne1 Indeed you have. 5y
andrew61 It's well worth the read and her memoir 'why be happy when you can be normal ' would be an interesting follow up read. Look forward to seeing your comments. 5y
Tamra @andrew61 I liked it, but didn‘t love it. I think another litten mentioned it felt disjointed and I would agree. But I know this is a book some hold dear. I did love her Xmas collection and I‘ll check out her memoir too. She certainly has an interesting background to draw upon! 5y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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'There are women in the world. There are men in the world. And there are beasts...And beasts are crafty. They disguise themselves like you and I.'

Relaxing with a view after an interview!

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Four books featuring lesbian characters that aren't Fun Home, but fantastic nonetheless. The only one I have yet to read is the Highsmith, which I suspect I will love as much as the others. I will also be reading more Sarah Waters this year. Tipping the Velvet was one of my favorite books of 2018.
#RingOfKeys #MusicalNewYear

Cinfhen Would any make for a good musical?? 5y
Kalalalatja I still haven‘t tried Waters! I really need to do something about it 5y
vivastory @Cinfhen What a fun question! I think that in the right hands, Tipping the Velvet has the potential to be a great musical. It has a lot of themes of great drama/narratives (coming of age, rags to riches, outsider/fringe characters, strong narrative voice). But what makes it really stand out is that large portions of the book are set in music halls & feature performances. I think the potential variety this offers would be fantastic! 5y
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Cinfhen Quick... we need to find producers!!!! I think you sold me on the potential 5y
vivastory @Kalalalatja Some found it to be a bit too racy, but I didn't think it was in poor taste or gratuitous. I've also heard that Fingersmith & Little Stranger are great as well. 5y
vivastory @Cinfhen 😂 Just place a call to your BFF Lin Manuel Miranda. I'm sure he'd be happy to help! 😄 5y
readordierachel The Animators ❤ 5y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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Quote from the author in one of her interviews (Salon Interview, 28 April 1997).

#quotsydec18 #rogue

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This was an interesting book. I didn‘t love it but didn‘t hate it either. I liked the idea but found it a little disjointed.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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#FactFiction #SeptemberDanes
Jeanette Winterson's fictionalised account of growing up
@Kalalalatja @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I‘ve seen this book mentioned on so many lists...must get to it 6y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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I think I would have liked this book more if the story had been more grounded. I think the plot and the characters really got lost in the metaphorical language and it got hard to keep up with. Interesting message about religion and sexual preference, but I would have liked something a little more solid. #booked2018 #lgbtqiamaincharacter

Cinfhen Just tagging my lovely cohosts @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft 6y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This one was pretty good. It's more like a memoir than actual fiction.

TheBee I love her books!!! 6y
vlwelser @TheBee this was my first and likely not the last. ☺ 6y
TheBee I loved THE POWER BOOK 📖❤️ 6y
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Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson
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This is so true. 💖📚

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | Jeanette Winterson

Easy to get through