My scholars continue to amaze me! The level of reading and the way they give reviews has me excited and extremely proud. I‘ve never heard of this author but after my scholar gave her review, I was ready to read it now!
My scholars continue to amaze me! The level of reading and the way they give reviews has me excited and extremely proud. I‘ve never heard of this author but after my scholar gave her review, I was ready to read it now!
Second book in the series, and lots of action leading up to a cliffhanger (whole series does this, btw). Sabrina is angry, furious even, for most of the book, and her distrust of Everafters turns into full-blown bigotry and paranoia. The sisters are starting school, only to get pulled into a gruesome mystery. Will they ever be able to focus on finding their parents? #SeriesRead2021 #MGMarch
Unusual is a relative term-what‘s unusual to one human may be usual to another.
I had a good laugh at Book Riot‘s ‘unusual books‘ list
#unusual #augustabc
October 13: Spooky Books for Friday the 13th - I don't like spooky books but this "little girl" creeped me out. #sistersgrimm #fairytales #spooky #bookishgalsaugust
Today's @bookriot Unusual Suspects Newsletter just hit my inbox. All I can say is Shut up and take my 💰! I want ALL THE BOOKS!! 💸💸💸
I've read a lot of "modern" adaptations of Grimm's fairytales lately. This one was nice, but I've read better ones. The sisters Grimm (descendants of the brothers) have to solve crimes among the fairytale characters living in our times. Didn't realize that this is the second of a series until the first 100 pages, which I consider positive. The open ending in this one was a bit scary though.
#michaelbuckley #thesistersgrimm #theunusualsuspects
We are in the middle of this one as our bedtime read. Checking them out from the library but I think we will purchase the series when the 10th anniversary editions come out in May. This is a first read for me, so my daughter and I get to share the first read experience 😊
Really enjoyed this second installment in the series. Sabrina was a bit whiny so I'm glad I opted to read this one instead of listen to it on audiobook. This one does end on a cliffhanger, so have the next one handy if you dislike those.