It almost feels like an excerpt on black holes from his "A brief history of time" further dumbed down for non physicists to understand.
David Shukman's commentary throughout was entertaining.
It almost feels like an excerpt on black holes from his "A brief history of time" further dumbed down for non physicists to understand.
David Shukman's commentary throughout was entertaining.
‘... if you feel you are in a black hole, don‘t give up:there is a way out!‘ - very comforting words by none other than Stephen Hawking
#AnglophileApril. #SupermassiveBlackHole
With a tip of the hat to the great Stephen Hawking.
What‘s better than coffee and physics!! Lovely evening with lecture by Stephen hawking. Also around the right time, as it is in his memory. May his soul rest in peace. One year already. World does seem a little dull without his sparkle. #stephenhawking
All the respect and admiration to all who can understand that... I don‘t, but I read his books with great interest, hoping that one day I will ... RIP
#constant #quotsy #quotsymarch18
Man I‘m so bummed out by this.... Rest easy Mr. Hawking! #books #science #greatminds #StephenHawking
This is the transcript of the two 2016 Reith Lectures, that Stephen Hawking delivered on the topic of Black Holes. The illustration and comments are very helpful and they give the reader a wider understanding about this topic.
The book is short, but intense. Full of information about Black Holes, their history and various theories and hypothesis about their formation, characteristics, and purpose.
Interesting read for anyone interested.