Have to share one more. This dude did a double take when he saw us watching, alerted his pals and they all high-tailed it.
Also I just looked up the term for a group of parrots and apparently it‘s a pandemonium. How cool is that?!
Have to share one more. This dude did a double take when he saw us watching, alerted his pals and they all high-tailed it.
Also I just looked up the term for a group of parrots and apparently it‘s a pandemonium. How cool is that?!
There‘s really something to be said for stopping to be in the moment. Was just lying on the floor doing my zoom foam roller class, when I looked up and saw what seemed like the entire flock of Telegraph Hill Parrots sitting in my backyard!!! What a weird and magical gift! 🦜💚❤️💚
1. So I had to search for something, but apparently the rescuers were supposed to say “I love you” to bond with the parrot. The parrot said I love you back & then told them to F-off and flew away.
2. Harry Potter
3. 13, I think. Trying to figure out how many more I can have before the fiancé says WTF?
4. Geometry
5. ??????