This Time Tomorrow nearly beat it out but I was fascinated by one and especially by the doctor - his background and education.
This Time Tomorrow nearly beat it out but I was fascinated by one and especially by the doctor - his background and education.
I ran out of #audiobooks and saw this one was available so why not, right?
I‘m now halfway through. 😳
Although science and medical discovery sits at the heart of this story, this is just one of its many layers. It‘s a story that pits the scientist against the multi-billion dollar NFL industry. As with all David and Goliath narratives, the lengths that the NFL went to in an attempt to discredit Omalu‘s research, at the expense of the lives of players, former players, and their families is shocking. You can‘t make stories like this up.
Such a well-written book, I recommend it on audio. The story of Dr. Bennet Omalu is intriguing. The garbage he had to endure that attacked his work, when all he was interested in was the brain,--"what is football?"--is what so many scientists have to deal with on a constant basis with powerful, self-interest groups/corps. It's disheartening.
The pacing of the book and the way the story unfolded made you want to hurry back for more.
I don't know much about American football, and neither did Dr. Omalu, but football wasn't the catalyst for wanting to study the brain of Iron Mike Webster who died from a heart attack at the age of 50. This story is absolutely riveting and amazing. Not just for football fans.
Damning indictment of the NFL for their attempts to suppress findings of correlation between brain damage and repeated concussions and sub-concussions in retired football players.
Wise words for current climate from Pope John Paul II around 1994 in Nigeria..."Respect for every human person, for his dignity and rights, must ever be the inspiration behind your efforts to increase democracy and strengthen the social fabric of your country."
Love this Ibo blessing... "Whatever good he is looking for, he will see it." Gonna try to remember that in 2017.
Reading this for the Book Riot Reading Harder 2017 challenge. Who else is doing that challenge?
It wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was still a good story. And, yes, I'll be watching the movie eventually. :)
Being a hockey fan, I'm very excited to read Concussion because this is a hot topic in the NHL right now. Football and hockey may be very different sports, but the question of PTSD and concussions are similar. I find this topic very interesting.
#booktober #day1 #mostanticipatedreads : ANYTHING! 😩
I've been popping on here every once in a while because I just miss you guys, but I can't read anything for more than a few minutes at a time. My headache hasn't gone away yet, so I'm trying to rest as much as possible. This cutie has been taking good care of me by piling every stuffed animal/toy he can find onto my lap. 😊