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Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #1: Wolf Brother
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #1: Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
8 posts | 32 read | 16 to read
The epic journey of boy and wolf begins Six thousand years ago. Evil stalks the land. According to legend, only twelve-year-old Torak and his wolf-cub companion can defeat it. Their journey together takes them through deep forests, across giant glaciers, and into dangers they never imagined. Torak and Wolf are terrified of their mission. But if they do not battle to save their world, who will?
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01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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Got these off a friend. Has anyone read them? Know if they have to be read in am order? Thank you 📚❤📚

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01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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1. Wolf! 🐺 (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series)
2. No. I badly want a cat.
3. That's like asking me for my favourite book! All the cats, wolves, deer, reindeer, seals, swans, sparrows, otters, harvest mice, slow worms...and... and...
4. Cat, most likely. Or a swan. Or porpoise (I'd love to swim like a dolphin but they're chatty and sociable and I'm really not.)
#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho Lol I know! I love all the animals too! 💕 6y
Yeah_I_Read I said I would want to be a dolphin not considering the chatty/social bit... might have to revise 😂😂 #introvertproblems 6y
quietlycuriouskate @Yeah_I_Read Yay for the people of porpoise, quietly swimming about while the dolphins take care of all the PR stuff! 6y
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01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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#weekendchat @CSeydel

Michelle Paver's "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness" (6 books)

Robin Hobb. I read the first one last year, and enjoyed it, but didn't realise how many there are. I wasn't ready to make that kind of commitment at the time!

Library insists I give them back. My own get shelved, initially. Some are later re-homed.

Found one near me but their blurb said "large outspoken group that loves to socialise". That'll be a no, then.

CSeydel That description! 😂 6y
merelybookish #4. 😂🤣 6y
quietlycuriouskate @CSeydel @merelybookish I know! And they met in a pub, which on my part would just have "anxiety drinking" written all over it ?. I'll just stay home with Litsy, thanks! 6y
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01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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#FallIntoBooks #ShadesOfAutumn

Most of these are still in my #TBR
Wolf Brother was very good and different. I really need to pick myself up and read the rest of the series.
Can't say the same for Temeraire. Loved the premise, but l found the execution, especially in the second half of the story, quite disappointing

merelybookish Pretty! 7y
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01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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#AndItsAugust #TwoWordsTitles

All the books in this series are two-word title. I've only read the first one (the one tagged) which l own in ltalian... and the tigli isn't two words

01 Wolf Brother | Michelle Paver
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#RockInMay #WildWorld
I own the first book of the series in ltalian, all the others in English. I still miss the last one, but because l want the matching cover (l think the last one is purple) l'm waiting to find it 😆

Really enjoyed the first book, especially the spirituality of this prehistorical world

batsy Oh, nice! I have an adult book by her on my TBR 7y
Cinfhen Very cool 😎 7y
JazzFeathers @batsy That sounds so good! Added. Thanks so much for mentioning it 🙌😆 7y
JazzFeathers @Cinfhen l realky need to get back to it. It is a good story 7y
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I read these after finishing Harry Potter for the first time and desperately needed something to get me out of the corresponding slump. These did the trick. I think I read them in two days. But then I needed something to get me out of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness slump.

DiruVamp Wow I've never heard of these but I love the titles! Definitely intrigued! 8y
Laalaleighh Another great nothing will ever beat Harry Potter reading slump suggestion: 8y
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