Love this!
Hiiiiii Littens!! I‘m baaaccckkkk! My last Litsy post was 2 years ago! This is my current read and it‘s pretty good so far!
My son bought me this mug!!!
I just finished The Nickel Boys for b&n book club this week. I did not see the twist in the last part coming at all! It was so well done. I‘m glad I read it. It covers so many themes in its little 210 pages and I am excited to hear what people thought and the things they picked up on that I, super oblivious as ever, completely missed. Anyone else read it yet?
Hey everyone! Barnes and Nobel has a bunch of paperbacks for $4 each plus 20% off the total order. 🙌🙌
This was good. I would recommend this to anyone who likes Dan Brown or James Rollins. Perfect vacation read
The plot of this was a bit weak but I liked the characters and will probably continue with the series.
This was good. A bit of an Sarah J Maas knockoff but it‘s enough of its own story to make that not extra annoying.
Now I don‘t know what to read 😫
Any recommendations?? Looking for anything smart fun different cool not ridiculous space-opera or fantasy 🤞🏽
*Litsy 😬🤷🏽♀️
This was a good story even though the beginning was super ya fantasy trope-y and the romance was a bit sappy.
This book started out great. Really intriguing idea and totally different style from my usual reads. The middle drrrraaagggs and the end was somewhat anticlimactic 🤷🏽♀️
This was great! I needed a series I can binge even though the last one isn‘t out until Fall 😫. Reichis might be my new favorite talking animal sidekick!!
Loving this! If you‘re a fan of The Wayward Children series, pick this up.
THIS IS NO BEACH READ! It absolutely requires your full attention, but the payoff is worth the effort. An awesome political space opera with more opera than space and vaguely reminiscent of ancient Asian Empire epics. If you have the time, energy, and patience to commit to this book I highly recommend it.
Reading this for #bnbookclub.
This is like reading a spy novel or watching an episode of Homeland; then you remember it‘s real life 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Thanks to the amazing people who get the BOTM spoilers! #notallheroeswearcapes
I‘m sooo excited about this book!! Her previous novel The Invisible Bridge is one of my top 10 of all time.
Currently reading/listening. The concept and style of this book was a bit hard to wrap my brain around at first so I listened to the first part on audio. I‘m glad I kept going bc it‘s really smart and cool and different.
This book is gooooodddddddd! Believe the hype. It‘s perfect for reading in bed on a gloomy lazy morning, which is exactly what today is for me so far. 😊
Currently reading/listening and enjoying 😊
I just bought this funko of Arya today and I‘m so excited about it and the premier of the new season of GOT!! #winterisheremfs
This passage is everything! 😂😂
I really loved this series. Record of a Space Born Few was my least favorite of the three but still very good. It makes me wonder about where we will end up in ten generations. Hopefully something that resembles the Exodan Fleet. I‘m officially a fan of this author and will read everything she writes. ❤️
OMG! First of all I looovvveeddd The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet! And I devoured this one today. It was even better than the first one imo. I loved the exploration of AI. Pepper‘s story was so amazing. I am absolutely in love with these characters and this world. I can‘t wait to read the third one. Thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday! I can‘t recommend this series enough and thanks again for those that recommended it to me! ❤️
I asked for recommendations a while ago and several people commented this title. I have only read the first few pages but I‘m liking it a lot so far. I‘ve been in the mood for a good space opera. So thanks for the recs, I tried to go back and figure out who specially mentioned this book but the comments only go back so far. ❤️
I really enjoyed this! If you liked Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell, or if you like the idea of JS&MrN but found the footnotes tedious, pick this up!!! Very Jane Austen-ish, a bit slow to start, and I still haven‘t decided if I truly like Prunella, but overall a good read! 4 🌟‘s
“But that was the trouble with children...They were confoundedly liable to pattern themselves upon one‘s conduct, when one would rather they simply did what what they were told.”
Story of my life 😫😫
My almost 10 yo daughter loves these! It makes me so happy bc I LOVED them when I was growing up. They are great in graphic novel format.
I‘m trying to organize my “have read” book closet 😫😫
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” -Maya Angelou
“I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We‘ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won‘t” -Audre Lorde
#releaseday I‘m super excited for this!!!
@EchoLogical these are so beautiful! I love the books and ALL THE CANDY! The T-shirt is super cute and I love the pins! Thank you so much. I‘m excited for all of these. I‘m especially happy about How Long Til Black Future Month bc I bought it for my sister for Christmas but I really wanted to keep it lol. Thank you thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ Happy Black History Month! #blitsy
@EchoLogical I just woke up to this!!!!!!! I‘m so excited 😆 I was really looking forward to this one. Thank you so much! We had a delay for snow so I‘m planning on opening and posting pics of the rest once the kids get off to school. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I‘m so excited....in case no one noticed 😉
I wouldn‘t have ever picked this up on my own and at first it was a bit jarring bc I just read The Immortalists which was also about 4 siblings so it took me a while to get into it. But once I did I really enjoyed it. Can‘t wait until next Tuesday to discuss. #bnbookclub
I was so excited when I saw this at the liquor store! It was a tough choice between this one and House Stark but maybe I‘ll buy that one next time.
Doing my Shattered Realms re-read! I was lucky to meet the author a few years ago at the Boston Teen Book Festival. Who else is excited for Deathcaster? ❤️
This was great!