Few people have heard of Barbara Loden, but she won a Tony and was the second wife of Elias Kazan. While she had small parts in several movies, she‘s best known for directing and starring in Wanda (1970), now an art-house classic. My interest? Loden grew up in the same poor Appalachian small NC town that my mother did. I wouldn‘t read this unless you‘ve seen the movie, but it‘s a thoughtful meditation on the film, life, and art.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ So this isn‘t a long book but it‘s dense. The writing style is new to me - written in little snippets, each with a message of its own, each you could spend time thinking about. Somehow they are stringed together to form a whole.
It‘s almost like reading a book of poetry but it‘s prose. It is a blend of biographical fiction and nonfiction.
I definitely recommend it. It‘s one I will reread.
I have a number of the #DorothyProject books that I have not read yet...perhaps this is a good place to start...
"I've left men, sometimes heartlessly, with the trembling joy that one feels slipping away down a side street, or vanishing into a crowd, or jumping onto a passing train, or standing someone up; the acute and rare pleasure of avoiding something, of evading something, of disappearing into the landscape[...]"
"They drive around in silence, he is clutching the steering wheel, tense and irritable, like a husband and father who's been ruined and is considering the idea of collective immolation at the next service station; she sits the way my mother used to sit next to my father, upright, short, alert, holding her breath, just waiting to be murdered."
Sounds like driving with my dad. ??
My girlfriend and I are reading this to each other, because she's a fan of both experimental film and vintage Hollywood, and I'm a fan of the Dorothy Project, which published it.
Do you plan to observe women in translation month? I have recommendations. http://readingenvy.blogspot.com/2018/07/recommended-reads-for-women-in.html
GUYS. We should totally start a #hipsterabook hashtag where we post pics of books with faces and the Litsy glasses stickers. 😂🤓
I adore books that blend genres and weave narratives. This gem is a mix of biography, film criticism, and autofiction. I've seen a number of creative nonfiction essays do interesting mixes like this (it's also my preferred style of writing), so I hope more books like this (and The Argonauts, which is another example of this style) will crop up!
There was an indie book fair in town yesterday and I got this amazing haul! There are so many small presses out there that are just killing it with their awesomeness. My favorites are Button Poetry, Two Dollar Radio, Dorothy Project, and Coach House Books, among others. 📚📚📚📚
You must read this gorgeous work of biography/autofiction/film criticism/magic.
So, so pretty. I 💟 the Dorothy Project. #judgingabook #cover #translation