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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
10 posts | 6 read | 17 to read
'Bedlam!' The very name conjures up graphic images of naked patients chained among filthy straw, or parading untended wards deluded that they are Napoleon or Jesus Christ. We owe this image of madness to William Hogarth, who, in plate eight of his 1735 Rake's Progress series, depicts the anti-hero in Bedlam, the latest addition to a freak show providing entertainment for Londoners between trips to the Tower Zoo, puppet shows and public executions. That this is still the most powerful image of Bedlam, over two centuries later, says much about our attitude to mental illness, although the Bedlam of the popular imagination is long gone. The hospital was relocated to the suburbs of Kent in 1930, and Sydney Smirke's impressive Victorian building in Southwark took on a new role as the Imperial War Museum. Following the historical narrative structure of her acclaimed Necropolis, Bedlam will examine the capital's treatment of the insane over the centuries, from the founding of Bethlehem Hospital in 1247 through the heyday of the great Victorian asylums to the more enlightened attitudes that prevail today.
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold

I'm bailing on this one. It's taking me far too long to read, given how short it is, and I haven't been inspired to pick it up much. Possibly an "it's not you, it's me".

Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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This book definitely had its interesting bits, but it took almost half the book before they became really apparant. I had hoped for a history of how madness was treated in a Victorian asylum. Instead I got a much broader historical account of how the society saw madness, which could have been interesting, but mostly ended up being dry reading.

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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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I don‘t even know which book is maddest at the moment 😳😄


Cinfhen Pretty photo 7y
AlaMich Is Bedlam sort of a sad read, though? How mentally ill people were treated...😔 7y
Kalalalatja @AlaMich it is a bit, but mostly it is very factual and a bit dry at times 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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I started reading this yesterday, and so far it is very historical. I had expected more about how life were like for the people admitted to Bedlam, than how Henry the VIII and his lovers had an influence on the place. I‘m only three chapters in, but I‘m hoping it will start dealing more with the inhabitants than with the historical context 🤞


Cinfhen Disturbing cover awesome bookmark 😱😎 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Err the bookmark.. 7y
britt_brooke Love the bookmark! I have the set with Vonnegut (of course). 7y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen @erzascarletbookgasm @britt_brooke it is an awesome bookmark 👌 I got it from the lovely @Robothugs 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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Speaking of bedlam, is anyone else experiencing weirdness with the image display on Litsy? I keep seeing this bowl of fruit and wine superimposed on other posts. In the screenshot example, when I go to @Kalalalatja ‘s page, her image displays correctly, but not in my feed.

Lacythebookworm Weird! 7y
Kalalalatja I had this problem a couple of weeks ago, but when I woke the next day it worked as usual. But it‘s weird! 7y
LeahBergen No! That‘s strange. 🤔 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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The last books from @cobwebmoth came today, and I‘m squealing a bit! Thank you so, so much Laura! These are awesome 👏

#bookmail #Litsylove

cobwebmoth You're welcome! Glad they all reached you safely. 7y
Eugeniavb That sounds fascinating 7y
Kalalalatja @Eugeniavb it sounds so good! I can‘t wait to read it 👏 @cobwebmoth thank you again, they are all amazing! 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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I just came across this title and think it sounds good! A nonfiction account of London and the city‘s treatment of mentally ill people. #IThinkImParanoid #FierceFeb

batsy Yes! It really does sound good 👍🏽 7y
Cinfhen Sad but sounds fascinating 💔 7y
Librarybelle @batsy @Cinfhen Fascinating topic, but a very hard to read topic 7y
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Kalalalatja I want to read this so much! 7y
Librarybelle @Kalalalatja I may have to get a copy soon! 7y
Kalalalatja I‘m on a book buying ban until April, so I‘ll have to wait a bit 👎 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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Congratulations on your two big milestones @Librarybelle 🎉🎉🎉

After finishing Sarah Moss‘ “Bodies of Light”, I have been craving more knowledge about the British Asylums. I‘m fascinated by how we have treated people with mental illnesses historically, and I hope this book can give me all the insight I crave. #50k1k 🤞

ju.ca.no This is such an interesting topic! 7y
batsy This looks fascinating! 7y
Librarybelle Thank you! This looks so good! 7y
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Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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I'm trying to read more books about London now that I live here - this one sounds fascinating!

#mentalhealth #nonfiction #london

Bedlam: London and Its Mad | Catharine Arnold
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#bookmail Post #4 and the last. I know what I'm watching this evening.