This was the last of Betty Smith‘s books that I had left to read, so finishing it was bittersweet. Like Smith‘s other books this one took place in Brooklyn and explored the push and pull between what women want and what society expects.
This was the last of Betty Smith‘s books that I had left to read, so finishing it was bittersweet. Like Smith‘s other books this one took place in Brooklyn and explored the push and pull between what women want and what society expects.
Resting with a book and a snack and I can‘t help but be dissatisfied by the chocolate to peanut butter ratio in these nutcrackers.
Just when I think I‘m done being busy at work, a new project pops up (while still dealing with the total nightmare of our database switch last week) and I just can‘t wait until Christmas when I actually get a week off because we‘re closed. Until then, I‘m going to actually try to take some time in the morning for me before having to go stare at a lot of screens in the other room.
If anyone needs me, you can find me reading next to my tree for the next month. 📚🎄
Part 1 of today‘s #bookhaul. I was so excited to find so many Olive Editions on Book Outlet! One is clearly used with a cracked spine, but hey, it was only like $3 so I can‘t complain. Also, I have a really old copy of Maggie-Now that I‘ve never read, so I‘m looking forward to reading a new to me Betty Smith finally.
Posting part 2 of today‘s book haul in a bit. And it‘s even MORE amazing than this lot. 💕
With only five minutes to browse still managed to score this vintage edition of Maggie-Now. Score! #bookhaul
Disappointing compared to Smith's other books...seems unfinished.