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Hissy Fit
Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
11 posts | 25 read | 10 to read
Calling off her high-society wedding after discovering her fiance's infidelity, an interior designer faces financial ruin before receiving assistance, and an opportunity for revenge, from the new owner of a local bra company.
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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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Just the kind of light-hearted fun I have needed!

Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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Mary Kay Andrews writes light-hearted, romantic chick lit. I happen to like it. This one had me both laughing and crying.

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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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Mary Kay Andrews and potato soup is the perfect combo when it‘s freezing outside. #gohomewinteritsfall

Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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MKA‘s books are guilty pleasures, and this is my favorite. It showed up in my Bookbub email today, so if you like Southern chick lit with a good dose of comedy and an interesting mystery, you may enjoy this.

Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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I finished my first MKA this weekend! I would never pick this book up on my own. "Beach reads" are not usually my thing. But my book soulmate @Gayan said SHUT UP AND READ IT. She was nicer about it, though. I really enjoyed this. It was an easy read with a little mystery, lots of humor, and a strong female lead that I loved.

Reecaspieces I think my favorite line ever is in this book. "They think they are hot snot on a silver platter when they are really cold boogers on a paper plate" (or there about). I fell off the couch laughing when I read this 7y
TNbookworm Love MKA books! And she is such a nice lady! I met her at our local Friends of The Library annual meeting several years ago, very friendly and very funny! 7y
AmyG This is the book that made me not just love Mary Kay Andrews but opened me up to this genre. Is it chick lit? 7y
Gayan She published a cookbook this year and it is amazing! 7y
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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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A little late, but that never killed the party:
Fav. hobby: coloring, listening to podcasts, baking
Fav. Food: all the candy
Fav. Color: black and red
Fav. City: Hot Springs, AR! It's where I was born and where my sister now lives
Dream House location: a cottage on the lake with lots of windows and no one else around for miles
Accessories: Glasses.
Fav TV show: Big Brother!!!!
Last movie seen at cinema: WONDER WOMAN 💪🏼💪🏼 #asidefrombooks

Kris10 ❤️❤️❤️ Big Brother!! 7y
Josie @Kris10 YAAAS!! So good. This summer has been insane already. 7y
ReadingEnvy I love your haircut! And we are super fans of Big Brother in my house. 7y
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Little_Reader I visited Hot Springs for the first time last month! My husband used to live in Little Rock. 7y
mcctrish I loved Wonder Woman 7y
Josie @ReadingEnvy thank you!!! I actually just cut off about 5 inches a couple weeks ago! It's so nice. And yay for BB SUPER FANS!!! This season is insane so far. I'm loving it. 7y
Josie @Little_Reader did you love it?!?! The humidity in the summer is a little harsh, but it's a beautiful little town! I was actually born in a hospital in Little Rock! 7y
Josie @mcctrish me too!! I have a big fat girl crush on Gal Gadot ❤️ 7y
mcctrish Me too!!! 💙⭐️❤️ 7y
ReadingEnvy @Josie usually when BB says "expect the unexpected" they are only variations of what they always do but this season seems actually surprising! Love it! 7y
Josie @ReadingEnvy I know!!! The temptations are really throwing some curve balls into the game. It's refreshing though. Doesn't Cody look like a serial killer? He frightens me. 7y
Little_Reader @Josie I did! It wasn't too humid when we were there but I love the heat! Arkansas is a beautiful place. 😍 7y
Josie @Little_Reader haha you need to come visit AZ!! It's a dry heat, but we hit 117 two days ago! It's about as hot as you can get :) 7y
Little_Reader @Josie Deal! Then you can come visit Wisconsin in January. 😂 7y
Josie @Little_Reader 😂😂😂 you will send me back because I'll be so cold I won't be able to move!!! It's been 10-15 years since I've even seen snow! 7y
JackOBotts @Josie favorite podcasts?! 7y
Josie @JackOBotts My Favorite Murder and The Loser's Club! 7y
JackOBotts @Josie Ooh! Sounds like I may have something new to check out! 👍🏼🎧 7y
ReadingEnvy @Josie Cody is truly frightening... I keep calling him a spy. No emotions on his face!! 7y
Josie @JackOBotts yeah! MFM is true crime, but it's also comedy. Which doesn't sound like it would work, but it does with two badass female hosts! TLC is a Stephen King podcast! 7y
Josie @ReadingEnvy haha!! I love that. @Gayan and I call him Ted Bunny because he looks like a serial killer but he's too much of a pansy to actually be one. 7y
Gayan Ted Bunny and his girlfriend Boobs. 7y
needleminding "all the candy" ?? 7y
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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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I don't want to go to work! I want to stay home and read!

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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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Here's my #bookhaul from Half Price Books! I found a set of the Percy Jackson books and couldn't say no. I've never read anything from Mary Kay Andrews, but @Gayan recommended this one so I'm going to give it a shot!

ferskner She's really fun! Doesn't take herself too seriously. 7y
minkyb I agree. The Andrews books are fun! 7y
TNbookworm Love MKA books! Enjoy! 7y
asiriusreader Mary Kay Andrews writes some fun stuff! 👍🏻 7y
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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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I love when the author gives you the recipe for food in the story. Grits and Greens Casserole is my all time favorite. I make it every year for New Years Day.
#booksandfood #definitelyneedsbloodymarys

Reecaspieces Hissy fit is one of my favs... " she thinks she is hot snot on a silver platter when she is cold boogers on a paper plate" ??? 8y
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Hissy Fit | Mary Kay Andrews
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#photoadaynov16 #dysfunctionalfamilies Another post it forward. I've gotten a bit tired of this author's rather formulaic novels, but this was probably my favorite. Parts are incredibly funny, but it is also a very touching story with two dysfunctional families: Keeley's (the protagonist) and her ex-fiancé's.

Crinoline_Laphroaig Is this the one with the recipe for Grits and Greens Casserole? It's one of my favorite meals. 8y
Lynnsoprano @missnavigation I'll look when I get home from our trip, but I'm pretty sure it is. We just bought some good stone ground grits here in northern Georgia today, because we can't get any as good at home. 8y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I just ordered 2 big bags because hadn't been over to War Eagle Mill in Arkansas. I'm making this weekend. 8y
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