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Anything for a Vote
Anything for a Vote: Dirty Tricks, Cheap Shots, and October Surprises in U.S. Presidential Campaigns | Joseph Cummins
6 posts | 3 read | 9 to read
Character assassination in presidential politics is as American as apple pie. Anything for a Vote is a candid look at 200+ years of dirty tricks and bad behaviour in presidential elections, from John Adams to the present day.These bizarre-but-true anecdotes from American history are whimsically illustrated, showing the presidents at their (alleged) worst.
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I voted, by mail, at the beginning of October. Its not like I had a hard decision who I was voting for. I look forward to a casual readathon to take my mind of the coming storm of increasing election BS, my phone is ringing off the hook from damn robo-callers from both parties. I'm off work the 28th, 30th and 3rd so I will get in some quality reading time, if I can stay focused.
#votedearlyreadathon @howjessreads

TheBookDream Does it count if I‘m voting tomorrow? Can I participate? 4y
RamsFan1963 @TheBookDream Of course you can. I assume "early" means any time before the official November 3rd election day. 4y
SamAnne I wish I could just fall into a deep sleep and wake up November 4th. Or that I could just go on a drunken party bender without a care in the world. Until November 4th. In retrospect, I wish I had scheduled an off grid vacation somewhere with no internet access. Most years I am doing election volunteering, but this year with Covid, I'm not (I just hate the phone calling stuff). Ugh. Barrett's confirmation today was just too much for me.
TheBookDream @SamAnne I hear that. I also normally volunteer for election stuff, but can‘t due to Covid (I thought about it, but I am having some serious trouble functioning outside my house so it‘s not happening 😩). It suuuuucks 4y
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I wish I had one of these, maybe I'd feel better about this midterm election. The TV is off and I'm staying away from social media, reading a history book to get some perspective. No matter who wins, the fight goes on.

#IVoted #Resistance #BlueHouse

Cathythoughts 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷👍🏻 6y
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✅ tiebreaker votes needed! Due to my broken ankle and not being able to do much besides read I‘m racing through my #MakeMeReadIt stack. I didn‘t think I‘d get this far earlier so now I need you to vote for my next read as these four all tied with two votes each.

Vote below and I‘ll start on whichever book is ahead tomorrow. Thanks in advance for your votes! So far, I‘ve read some wonderful books doing this 😊😘

Mitch Sorry to here about the ankle. Every cloud is a silver lining though. Glad you‘re reading lots! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 6y
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Insightsintobooks Daughters of Fortune 6y
BarbaraJean Miss Peregrine! 6y
CouronneDhiver I‘ve seen a bunch of happy Peculiar Children reviews this week... maybe join the party? 6y
La_Cori sorry for your ankle.. my vote goes to 6y
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#MakeMeReadIt Update: These two books tied for 4th place with two votes each. Please help me out by voting to break the tie in these final days of July. I'm not sure I will get to the 4th book in August, but if I don't the winner of this run-off will be my 1st read of September. So which will it be? Thanks for voting!


SleepyDragon Thank you for voting, @TheReadingMermaid , I thought I was going to have to ask Alexa to flip a coin. Lol 6y
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#SeasonsReadings2016 - settling in for a #HotDrinkAndABook before work!

I secretly love getting to my work neighborhood early so that I can sit somewhere cozy and read a bit before starting my day.

I also not-so-secretly love this peppermint hot chocolate 👌

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If you're looking for a solid book to read while you wait in line to vote, pick up a copy of Anything for a Vote by Joseph Cummins or check out our list of recommended reads over on the Quirk blog: http://bit.ly/2fyym9m 🇺🇸

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