A chapter into my next book. Book 32. Pretty interesting so far and the premise is intriguing.
#currentlyreading #booked2020 #bookworm #readinggoals
The premise had such promise, but I found the execution underwhelming. The most haunting part of the apocalypse was the protagonist‘s struggle to end her pregnancy.
Picked this up at Powell‘s when I was in OR. Started it on the plane home. Interesting premise but fell flat for me. I was hoping for more of a disease thriller type but it ended up being more romance gone bad.
Hotel room, work trip, library book = peace and quiet
Didn't want to take my library book out on the boat so read my People magazine instead 🌴⚓️ #GeorgiaGirl
It‘s dark now, the kind of dark where there‘s nothing, where the world could cease to exist on the other side of that hill and you wouldn‘t even know it. It was only half an hour ago that the sky was holding the light among the branches, like water cupped between fingers and palms. Now it‘s so black out there, even the memory of light feels distant. You can hear the silence. It‘s like the sound of your own blood.
I'll read anything ESJ recommends. #currentlyreading #bookstagram
Few things would make me rethink my one vanity of highlighting my ordinarily mouse-brown locks; this book contained all of those things. Thrilling and horrifying in a quiet, creep-up-your-spine sort of way, an excellent read and thoughtful meditation on beauty and society and the apocalypse, natch.
How to follow A Little Life? The obvious choice would be A Brief History, but this one looks way more fun. Also: ATWOOD.
Picked up this book when I was browsing at the bookstore the other day. Hope it's good.