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The Reeds: A Novel | Arjun Basu
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I‘m usually more forgiving of audiobooks but I listened to just under half of this one before ultimately deciding to ditch it. It‘s my third #DNF of the year and I don‘t regret switching to something else at all. I don‘t know why one blurb called this “wildly hilarious” but I never even cracked a smile. I found it to be shockingly dull and I just couldn‘t care less about any of the Reed family. Not even the Montreal setting could spice this up!

TorieStorieS @dabbe ❤️ Love those tags!! ❤️ 3w
JenlovesJT47 Life is too short to read bad books! 2w
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TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Indeed!! It‘s taken me a long time get more comfortable bailing on books, but you know when it‘s a relief to set it aside that it was the right choice!!🤣 2w
JenlovesJT47 I hardly ever do it either. I do it maybe once or twice a year. And I used to not rate them on Goodreads either but now if I read at least 20% and bail I‘ll give it a one star rating 😆 2w
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Yeah, I made a goodreads shelf for my DNF books just so that they are easier to keep track of for that reason! 2w
JenlovesJT47 Same! 2w
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Moonbound: A Novel | Robin Sloan
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This one really did hold my interest in the beginning, but the further I got, the less I cared about these characters. And the way they all spoke in a very formal, semi monotonous manner was driving me crazy. The narrator was good, it was more about the way the dialogue was written. No one ever uses contractions in this story and it made them seem robotic somehow. #DNF #hailthebail

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I actually gave this #DNF of 2015 a second chance… finishing it this time. Originally, I had wanted this to be the same sort of magically tragic romance as The Time Traveler‘s Wife, bailing 46 chapters in and feeling like the story had no direction. Knowing what I was in for (& seeing reviews that said the ending was more exciting), I stuck through it… but I didn‘t ever find myself enjoying it. I didn‘t like the characters & the meandering plot.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
TorieStorieS @dabbe Thanks!! I love the tag!! 🤣 2mo
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I wanted to love this. I read 30%. I have a difficult time knowing when I'm not really enjoying a book. When I start to avoid reading is about the only indicator. This was super funny in spots, but not often enough to hold my interest. #DNF

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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I know this is an #UnpopularOpinion but, I really just can't get this one done. I have been working on it for a while now, I am about 65-70% done, but I just never want to pick it up to finish. It's probably just me.

Oh well.
#DNF #HailToTheBail

Ruthiella I‘m curious about this one…wonder where I land. On paper it sounds not for me, but it‘s so popular. 3mo
PuddleJumper I enjoyed it because it was a bit like a d&d story. I wouldn't recommend it to people who like epic fantasy, it's more of a slice of life in a fantasy setting 3mo
TheBookHippie I am not a fan 🤪😅😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
wildwoodreads I've bought it three times and sold each one on my Pangobooks shop every time because I lose interest in it. 3mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My July #BookSpinBingo card :)
I #DNF my #Bookspin book and absolutely loved my #DoubleSpin ❤️❤️❤️

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!! 3mo
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This author cites Wikipedia and far-right extremists. His points are valid, but he alienated the vast majority of parents rather quickly. When he started recommending Alex Jones documentaries, I was out.
#MarkBeaumont #UnschoolYourselfFirst #audiobook #busbook #education #dnf #bail

ravenlee 🤢🤮 3mo
ravenlee I read a lot of homeschool books/blogs; or I should say, I try to read a lot. Many of them get slammed shut in just a few pages, but it‘s usually overly religious twaddle that turns me off. 3mo
GingerAntics @ravenlee totally agree. This guy wasn‘t overly religious, luckily. My first red flag was citing Wikipedia. Where the hell did you get your masters, bro? Then far-right dudes. I was out. It was sad, he was doing well besides that. It‘s sad that he doesn‘t realise his arguments against brainwashing are left arguments for homeschooling/unschooling too. Too bad non-Christian kids are the ones actually getting brainwashed. 3mo
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This Book Is Gay | Juno Dawson
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I understand how important this book is. I just couldn't get into it. I believe myself an ally, and I thought this book had a lot to teach me, but I got about 25% in and thought, maybe it was written for someone else. I feel like its another “not for me“ or “not the right time“ type of books. #DNF #BookSpin @TheAromaOfBooks

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4mo
Cuilin I with @dabbe if it‘s not for you ditch it!! 4mo
dabbe @Cuilin 💙💚💙 4mo
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Not a great reading month, was June 😭😭. I think the few I did read, however, were great ones. I'm not even sure which of these was my favorite, though RAZORBLADE TEARS was technically a #dnf.

Onward to a better reading month!


BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Oof, this was NOT a good reading month. The rain clouds over my #aam mean it was a #dnf, which is my second of the year. I was doing so well, too! Oh well. On to the next month!


TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4mo
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