These are great stories that reach out and grab you, a little dark, a little twisty. They will stay with you and make you think.
These are great stories that reach out and grab you, a little dark, a little twisty. They will stay with you and make you think.
I started this collection this morning and it almost made me late to work because I didn‘t want to put it down. Not a bad beginning. 😀
Always remember that when a man goes out of a room, he leaves everything in it behind...when a woman goes out she carries everything that happened in the room along with her 🍷
My best friend sent me a pressie today!! I might actually write in that journal instead of just looking up my recipes on Pinterest all the time m
Of all the collections of Munro stories I‘ve read so far, I‘ve found this one the weakest, which is not to say it wasn‘t haunting.
This book came out of the cup this week. (Source of the cup photo unknown)
The fiction aisle at Munro's Books in Victoria, Canada. This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. 😍
#riotgrams day six: short stories. I love reading Canadian short stories, I‘ve got more than a few volumes, and of course when talking about short stories you can‘t forget the queen Alice Munro
It's Alice Munro💜💜💜💜what more do you need to pick this one up?
The award winning author, Alice Munro writes a collection of short stories about different people and their reactions to the events happening in their lives. This is my first taste of this author and I loved them all yet felt each story could easily be enhanced to a full length story. Munro is very good at writing from all viewpoints, not just females, and she always leaves you wanting more. I would definitely read more of her works.
"Et krater på Månen er blevet opkaldt efter Sofja"
Loved this story collection! Usually gripped a couple of pages into each story. Munroe does fabulous things with time shifts and retrospective narration.
🍩☕️📖 I recently heard one of Munro's stories read Lauren Groff on an old episode of the New Yorker Fiction Podcast and it confirmed my next read. Also, doughnuts 👌🏻