Not a bad middle school read. So-So rating from me. Mor and even my 3-year-old twins loved. #mordecaireads
Not a bad middle school read. So-So rating from me. Mor and even my 3-year-old twins loved. #mordecaireads
Jack and fellow foster kids, Matt and Ava, sued to be able to be on their own. They begin working for Hank, a brilliant millionaire. (gladly, for the geniuses. Not so much for Jack who gets to do grunt work and none of them get paid.) They go to Antarctica while Hank judges a contest. They also have to solve the disappearance of one of Hank's friends.
Plenty of real-world science plus a good adventure for kids.
Today is one of those days when I don't like working at a library. When the upper levels tells you things need to be more cerebral or brain stimulating for our higher educated staff. Most public libraries know that patrons come to things that are fun, not because it's a brain work out. Uggghhhh. #publiclibrarianinaspecilitylibraryworld
📖 + 🎶
Much needed because life is stressful...
Benjamin Francis Leftwich has the voice of angel so I'm low-key obsessed...
Another one that I've been waiting for...
Can't help but wonder why stories with child protagonists rarely have parents around. I guess there'd be no story with a parent present to deter all the mischief and poor decision making. Lol
#kidlit #middlegradebooks #rainyday #art
Got to meet #billnye really briefly. #bookcon #billnyethescienceguy
Amazed to be here at a panel hearing Bill Nye talk about this book❤️❤️❤️❤️
When Bill Nye co-writes a middle grade series... take my 💵. The 11 yr old gets to read it first (I'm pretending I bought it for him)