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Erewhon: Over the Range: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition | SAMUEL BUTLER
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Today's reading

KathyWheeler I took a class in utopian/dystopian literature once, and we read this book. I remember liking it. 2y
SpaceCowboyBooks @KathyWheeler I too learned about it in a class about utopian literature. Some of the books were hit or miss, but I've been looking forward to this one. 2y
KathyWheeler @SpaceCowboyBooks I hope you like it. 2y
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#BookReport 12/20

All this corona chaos leads to a lot of socializing at home and too little focus to read - unexpectedly.
So only two books all week 🤷🏻‍♀️

Bookwormjillk I‘ve had a hard time reading this week too. Hang in there. 5y
TrishB I‘m the same now. No focus. Can‘t wait to get my daughter home, they are still teaching at her uni and she won‘t come home until teaching finishes. One more week. 5y
Cinfhen Are u on lockup?? All schools and businesses have shuttered here except for grocery stores. And as of April 18 no more flights 5y
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BarbaraBB @Bookwormjillk Thank you❤️. You too!! 5y
BarbaraBB @TrishB I know what you mean, the wish to get the family together. One more week, she‘ll be fine. And then she‘ll come home to you! Take care 💕 5y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen No, just like the rest of the country. No gatherings, less flights, no events, working at home as much as possible. There are few people infected in Amsterdam actually but it feels so dystopian to walk through an empty city 😱. How are you? ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Thank God we feel well but every day the restrictions are getting harder. As of Sunday everyone is asked to only go out if u need groceries but otherwise all shops, cafes, schools etc are closed. It‘s a strange time in this world 5y
Kalalalatja Take care ❤️ times are crazy, so we gotta do what we can to stay healthy and in good spirits, and if socializing is what you need, then that‘s okay 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Keep well and stay positive. ❤️ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @TrishB Hope the week quickly pass and your daughter can be home. Take care. ❤️ 5y
TrishB @erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB thank you 😘 counting the days. 5y
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A man accidentally ends up in the fictional country of Erewhon. It is immediately clear that its residents have strange habits and that their reactions are incomprehensible. For example, according to the Erewhonians, disease is an immoral condition, while they regard crime as a disease against which there are remedies. The narrator learns a lot about this country that he shares with us. Sometimes interesting, sometimes boring. #1001books

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(Day 16 - #WhereTheStreetsHaveNoName)

*”Erewhon” immediately came to mind with this prompt. But there are several books that influenced Butler, and in turn, he had an influence on Orwell‘s “1984.” “Gulliver‘s Travels” is probably the first of this kind of utopian/dystopian soft sci-fi, preceding the others by at least 140 years. “News from Nowhere” is likely the least known, but still an important text for its socialist leanings.

Cinfhen Ok, smarty pants 😂😂😘 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Okay, I think I deserve that... 😂😆🤣 5y
Velvetfur News From Nowhere is the name of a small independent bookshop in my native Liverpool, it's a 'radical feminist' bookshop and when I was a teenager I used to go in there regularly and I discovered so much.... Happy memories! The shop is still there too, 25 years later! Thanks for the happy reminder 😁 5y
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Crazeedi @gradcat you're way beyond my pay grade sometimes! 😉❤ 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!! I like to be enlightened 😘😘😘😘😘 5y
BarbaraBB Is Erehwon good? I‘ve been meaning to read it since 5y
gradcat @Velvetfur Oh! I love that story...it‘s such a serendipitous world sometimes! ♥️ 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi I am not! By the way, is that a picture of you in front of the sunset? It‘s so small that I can‘t really see it, but it‘s such a pretty picture! 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Me, too! ♥️ 5y
Crazeedi @gradcat yes hubby took it at the lake. I think I posted a pic collage with it on here! Thanks!❣ 5y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Two very different genres, I think. “Erewhon” is a satire, while the tagged is a Bildungsroman, but the fact that they‘ve both stood the test of time is a pretty good recommendation for either, I guess. I think I‘m partial to “Erewhon” only because it influenced a couple of philosophers that I studied intensely, to wit, Deleuze & Guattari. Did you read it for fun—because the tagged book is a heavyweight, both in tone & page count. 👏🏻 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi I found the post—yay! It‘s beautiful...I left a message for you there. ♥️ 5y
BarbaraBB Yes I read it for fun and definitely didn‘t get out of it what the philosophers did but I remember enjoying it! 5y
Velvetfur @gradcat Yup 😁 5y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Bravo to you! I‘m not sure I would‘ve read them if they weren‘t necessary for my degree!! They‘re a bit of heavy wading! 😂 5y
BarbaraBB It‘s on the list of #1001books to read before you die... as is this one. I try to read the books on that list! 5y
gradcat Oh! Is that posted anywhere! I want to look into that...it seems I remember there being a book? Or (doh) maybe the hashtag will tell me more. 😂 5y
BarbaraBB Well I am reading it now and enjoying it so far. Regarding your 9 months old question above that I only see now (sorry 😊), yes there is a book: 5y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Thanks so much for checking back into your history & taking the time to answer my question!! I‘m very impressed by this, and you.... ♥️♥️♥️ (edited) 5y
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