An okay read but definitely one I would be fine not reading again.
An okay read but definitely one I would be fine not reading again.
Quick but amazing read. Crossing off boxes for #bookspinbingo
My first book shot. Being busy and usually reading text books and regulations I found this book to be a great break from reality.
My 2nd ever Kindle Shorts (first Bookshots). Whatev with the branding, Patterson/amazon.
It was okay. Flowed well enough. Met some of my current desires: read more shorts and fiction; study the weird centuries old violence-porn fetish rampant in our culture and then abandon it all for the comfort of non-fiction...
The Ripper sends an organ to the press and people are still eating it up today.
Crap. Murder porn's everywhere.
I was enjoying this one but then the ending was “Wham! Done!”. I really needed this one to go just a bit more. But for the quick, easy read it is, it‘s a pick.
Nothing says marriage equality like coming home to a clean house after a long day of activism. #hecleans #imarch #allmybooksaregone #tidy #springclean
I debated between a "pick" and "so-so." I liked the first 3/4 of the book. Then it just got weird. The twist was too unbelievable to me; I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say why I think this, but really?! I also felt like the ending was too rushed. So I went with a so-so on this one.
My first Bookshot, it wasn't great just okay, I definitely didn't expect the ending.
I'm sorta reading this at the hair salon this morning but for some reason I'm a bit distracted.
Ah! This one was soo good and then bam! the end. 😤😔 I needed this one to be longer ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
He's the perfect husband. The perfect father.... but what happens when he sees imperfection?
This was a fast, twisted read. While some twists were pretty obvious, there were enough to satisfy me.
On my second book of the day! I have to go to work and the quicker i get my work done the quicker i can get home and read!! #dontcountmeoutyet