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Who Is Rich?
Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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The long-awaited first novel from the acclaimed author of Sam the Cat is a provocative and hilarious satire of love, sex, money, and politics in our new gilded age for readers of The Nix and This Is Where I Leave You."
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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It took me a really long time to read and review this because I‘m not on board for a book about a whiny, deeply unhappy, overly introspective character in a plotless book. Should I tell you how I really feel? 🤣 Full review: http://booknaround.blogspot.com/2018/03/review-who-is-rich-by-matthew-klam.html

LauraBeth 🤣Now I want to hate-read this based on your review 7y
BookNAround @LauraBeth Resist! 😂 There are a handful of people out there who loved it (the writing is well done) but all the good writing in the world couldn‘t save it for me. If you do read it, know you‘ve been warned. 😂😂😂 7y
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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When it‘s another snow day with icy roads keeping all businesses from opening so you can‘t even call for appointments or information, there‘s nothing for it but to start a new book. (As for who is rich? Well, certainly not us with all the home repairs we‘ve had to do recently. 😕)

merelybookish Those icy trees are so pretty! 7y
BookishMe Reality is no Winter Wonderland, huh ;o 7y
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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I am a very #richgirl since finding Litsy! I have 24/7 access to book lovers around the world. What more could an #augustgrrrl ask for??

BarbaraTheBibliophage Aww. Right back at ya! 😘😘 7y
Melissa_J This is the best #richgirl post yet 🤗 7y
Cinfhen Truth 😘😘😘well done ✅ 🙌🏻💕 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm Yes! ✌🏼💗 7y
ValerieAndBooks 😊😘❤️!! 7y
Lmstraubie @Melissa_J Awwww...thanks 😊 7y
MicheleinPhilly I ❤️ this! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
TrishB Great post 👍 7y
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam

I had enough at 109 pages. A whiny adulterous protagonist surrounded by equally unsympathetic characters. Life's too short to spend it on bad books.

Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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I typically love introspective characters who analyze the details of their lives. But Rich Fischer's ongoing narrative felt like one long, self-pitying rant. I appreciated Klam's intelligent writing and think the book is worth the read but it was too much of a downer for my liking.

Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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Rich is a has been cartoonist, trying to get his life back on track but he's so smug and such a #snarkycharacter that I #canteven find a redeeming quality about him. While the writing is spot on, the story is without a plot and it's really just the rants and woes of a once privileged, middle age white guy. Not for me...I didn't bail, but I may have skipped large chunks of the ARC. It's close to a pan...the polished writing saved it to a so-so.

emilyhaldi Usually I LOVE a snarky character! But is it unlikeable snark and not endearing snark? 🤔 7y
Cinfhen He was smug, self loathing, self centered and trying so hard to seem relevant- it just didn't work for me 🙄😫 @emilyhaldi (edited) 7y
merelybookish I read this and felt the same way. Klam is a good writer. And if I'm being generous I would say he's trying to explore something about the middle age crisis. I liked that it wasn't about easy answers. BUT it was also tiresome to read about a privileged white guy's problems. Like, get over yourself. 7y
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Cinfhen I wanted to like it but I realized I wasn't enjoying any part of the book @merelybookish 7y
BookNAround These comments are validating my current reading situation so thank you! I wondered if I was missing something. 7y
Cinfhen I saw you post this book the other day @BookNAround but I didn't want to say HATED IT!!! Just in case you were enjoying it😬definitely feel free to bail...it was AWFUL👎🏼but your photo was beautiful❣️ 7y
BookNAround @Cinfhen LOL! I do only try to admit I didn‘t love a book after someone posts that they finished it and didn‘t enjoy it since tastes can be so different. 7y
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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Next up! I'm making progress on my ARC's

Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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The writing is so good: vivid, smart, precise. Klam pokes fun at everyone, but is also forgiving. The story is a drag, though: a middle age man feels stuck. He makes bad choices. He is kind of tiresome. He has an affair. Getting older sucks. Blah, blah, blah. I think Klam is an excellent writer but Im not that interested in some dude's midlife crisis. Even when it is well-written. @PenguinPublishing @penguinusa @penguinrandomhouse

Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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Meet Rich, a quirky 42-yr-old cartoonist who has 2 kids, a wife, a mistress, and a witty offbeat sense of humor. The novel deals with marriage, adultery, a mid-life crisis, and other depressing subjects--but Klam's writing is amazing and had me laughing out loud!👍

Cinfhen I have this ARC too! Glad to hear it's funny 👍🏻 7y
Alfoster @Cinfhen Yes, he's a good writer! I got bogged down a little as the character is a bit selfish and immature for 42 and I wanted to slap him a couple times! 7y
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Who Is Rich? | Matthew Klam
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#BookMail well, electronically!!! Received both of these ARCs today compliments of Random House! They both sound wonderful, which means my #AprilTBR is already shot 🙈Anybody familiar with either title?

Zelma Not familiar with these title but I enjoyed the last Janelle Brown book I read. 8y
Cinfhen I don't think I've read Janelle Brown before but the blurb sounds promising 🙏🏻 @Zelma (edited) 8y
AceOnRoam Not familiar to me, but will check it out! 8y
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