Beautiful writing, great descriptions of the Spanish region, lots of humorous moments with the undertone of the poverty and lack of opportunities available.
Beautiful writing, great descriptions of the Spanish region, lots of humorous moments with the undertone of the poverty and lack of opportunities available.
Loved his As I Walked out book, then spotted this in a charity shop.
#AWintersTale. But a sunny one! #winterwonderland
The prose was sometimes a tad rich in this travelogue of Andalucian Spain. There's a strange juxtaposition between that floweriness and the very clear influence of Hemingway. But he does capture the barely concealed shock and grief of the people in Spain's post civil war era, and his fury at their fate. An atmospheric companion to 'ghosts of spain'. There are also some lovely turns of phrase- the last sentence being a case in point.
After the bleak misery of #1984 I'm off for a wee bit of #andalusian sunshine with Laurie Lee. I read #ciderwithrosie at school and loved it; picked this up in a charity shop and thought I'd give it a try. It'll be interesting to compare it with my recent read #ghostsofspain. I'm certainly on a bit of amid 20th century authors binge at the moment!