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A Winters Tale | Trisha Ashley
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Eggs 👏🏻🎶📚❄️👏🏻 4y
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David Essex released #AWintersTale in December 1982; it spent ten weeks in the UK chart, peaking at #2 on 15 January 1983.

34 years later, he released this book.


Eggs Perfect 👌🏼📚👏🏻🎶❄️ 4y
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Eggs Lovely choice👏🏻🎶📚❄️ 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#AWintersTale #DecemberSong @Eggs

Years later and I'm still not sure how I feel about this book. So much potential, but I didn't really enjoy reading it, and yet I think about it all the time (seriously, it takes up so much space in my brain).

Crazeedi I have this book on my shelf, I read like 2 pages and put back. I saw an interview with this author and have wanted to pick it up again 4y
Eggs Fascinating❣️ great cover too 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Eggs ❤️🎶👏🏻 4y
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Seven Fathers | Ed Young, Ashley Ramsden
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#DecemberSong Day 21: Fats‘ review of this book that is perfect for #AWintersTale: “Ashley Ramsden retells a Norwegian folktale about a young traveler who was in dire need of a place to stay one winter‘s night. When the traveler encountered a man who was chopping wood, the traveler asked the man if he had any room to spend the night.” Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5Zs

Eggs 👏🏻📚🌲❄️👏🏻 4y
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Ethan Frome | Edith Wharton
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I read this during my staycation & was immensely impressed by Wharton's ability to make a 100 page work feel as fully realized & emotionally satisfying as a 400 page novel. Easily one of the greatest novellas I've ever read.
#AWintersTale #WinterWonderland
@Cinfhen @TrishB

Cinfhen Great cover design 6y
sprainedbrain Yes! This is such a great story. 6y
vivastory @sprainedbrain I can't wait to read more Wharton. What are your favorites? 6y
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sprainedbrain I‘ve only ready Xingu, Ethan Frome, and The House of Mirth so far, but all 3 of them were 5 star reads for me. Oh, I also read The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton, and enjoyed those as well. I‘m planning to read more in 2019... I think I will start with 6y
Bookwormjillk I read this in high school and again this year. I think this is a book that you need to have lived life a little to appreciate. I‘m not sure why my HS English teacher thought it would be relatable for 14 year olds. 6y
vivastory @sprainedbrain I think I will also read Age of Innocence next. I remember really enjoying the movie. 6y
vivastory @Bookwormjillk I agree. This is definitely a book to read with some life experience. 6y
TrishB Yet to read any Wharton... 6y
Tamra I love Wharton! 💜 6y
LeahBergen Isn‘t it fantastic? I think I need a reread soon. 6y
batsy I love Wharton and this one of my favourites by her. 6y
Soubhiville I liked this too. What a strange cover! 6y
saresmoore Excellent! I‘ll be starting this one in a few days! 6y
ephemeralwaltz Agreed! 5y
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The Winters Tale | William Shakespeare
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#WinterWonderland #AWintersTale

I guess my sister‘s Shakespeare collection doesn‘t have The Winters Tale, but it‘s still impressive! Just look at the LEGO mini figure of Shakespeare!!!

MrBook Love it! 6y
GondorGirl She needs to get to work if she hopes to rival your P&P collection! 6y
CrowCAH @MrBook I‘ll let her know; thanks! 6y
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CrowCAH @GondorGirl oh totally, her Shakespeare got nothin‘ on my Austen! 😂 6y
batsy Those editions on the right look so lovely 😍 6y
Cinfhen That‘s a great photo and LEGO Shakespeare is ALMOST as cute as Jack Sparrow 😜 6y
TrishB Loving Lego Shakespeare! 6y
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No Yeti Yet | Mary Ann Fraser
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#WinterWonderland Day 27: #AWintersTale kiddie version, this book features 2 brothers. Snow. A quest to find a yeti. Of course the older brother has not seen one yet, but that‘s no reason not to look for it, right? With their trusty camera, the two boys go out into the snow in search of.. you know it, a yeti! So much fun! My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-auO

Cinfhen My hubby is obsessed with all things Yeti 🙄I NEED to pick this up for him 😂😂😂 6y
TrishB Lovely 💕 6y
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I just started this true crime book (written by the same author as Stranger in the Woods!!) and its #awinterstale that starts days before Christmas in 2001 when Chris Longo murders his three children and wife and then flees to Mexico, where he assumes the identity of NYT writer Michael Finkel.

#winterwonderland #bathandbook

JennyM That sounds fascinating. Hope you enjoyed your soak 6y
Cinfhen This book sounds fascinating 6y
TrishB Wow 😮 6y
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Tamra Very interesting! 6y
Callemarie Want this made into a movie? With..... jonah hill and... James franco(?)? 6y
Callemarie *wasnt 6y
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