I think I know!!!
Day 6 of the #lyricallybookishjuly is "'Pictures of You' book cover with pictures or pictures in the book" I chose The Takedown by Connie Wang. It doesn't come out as good as I wanted, but the cover is so cool, as it's a photo mosaic and so the picture of the girl is made up of tiny other pictures. I always love these types of pictures. #PhotoInception
I really liked his book. I thought it did a great job bringing some social media issues to the light. I think sometimes we forget how much of our lives is on the internet and all the risks that can happen.
Definitely check this book out because I think Corrie Wang did a great job.
Here is another beautiful candle by @flickeringtales
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Ondanks de imperfecte personages is dit boek toch echt een van mijn favorieten geworden. Juist de onvolmaaktheden van de karakters, in combinatie met een krachtige boodschap m.b.t. slut shaming, cyberbullying en feminisme maakten dit boek tot een ware parel die bij lange na niet de aandacht krijgt die het verdient.
A fun, fast, furious read! The plot kept me guessing and I could have read this is one sitting if Life hadn't gotten in the way. It's not quite perfect (the mc's habit of Slut shaming was annoying although there's a larger theme of anti-slut shaming) but I liked the flawed characters, the slightly futuristic setting, the diversity and the the take downs!
Flying through this one, hoping the ultimate message will be anti-slut shaming, buy so far I'm enjoying the ride. #CurrentlyReading
#CurrentlyReading this and wow, I cannot wait to find out who's behind Kyle's downfall. #arc