Meh. There times I was riveted and other times I was bored. The ending is lame so I don‘t know what to make of it. Did any other littens read this one?
Meh. There times I was riveted and other times I was bored. The ending is lame so I don‘t know what to make of it. Did any other littens read this one?
I have chosen the tagged book as my March book for my yearly reading plan challenge as it was published on the 10th August 2017
Good. Not my usual type of book but it was enjoyable story even though if I did suffer from anxiety and OCD it would certainly be triggered as the main focus of the story is how a certain event can trigger this illness and the effect on the family and surrounding friends.
Thank you #NetGalley for the proof copy.
OCD is a hungry master who imposes more rules whenever he suspects his influence is under threat. He is omnipotent and infallible and whatever I do, it will never be enough.
I don‘t want to spark some apocalyptic debate on the nature of darkness and light, good and evil, wrong and right. I want to help her because almost everyone deserves a chance.
one thing I‘ve learnt is that life isn‘t about doing the right thing. It‘s about not doing the wrong thing.
Sometimes it makes me dizzy to consider all the different lives I could have lived if I had made different decisions along the way.
That‘s the insidious thing about mental illness. It‘s like an iceberg; the most dangerous part is hidden beneath the surface.
Sometimes it helps to be reminded that the sun sets and rises every day, no matter what‘s going on around you.
if you remember something often enough, even if it didn‘t happen, it will become real. It‘s a terrifying but beautiful notion that every day we wake up with a slightly different personal history.
Parents make a big thing about children being honest but actually spend a lot of time pretending and telling untruths themselves.
I must have been wearing my invisibility cloak because no one took any notice.
Sometimes, when I compare the life I thought I was going to have with the life I now live, I feel like I might be swallowed up by the gulf between the two.
The good thing about having a super dysfunctional family is that there isn‘t a lot to live up to.
Judging by the black grains of rice that cover the spoon, she has reached what Max and I call ‘the resuscitation of rice‘ stage of lunch.
no one can die of guilt. If you could I would have been dead long ago.
“party animal” is just a polite way of saying functioning alcoholic, isn‘t it?
you learn more by the things you get wrong than the things you get right.
Parents are the worst for holding you prisoner to the person you used to be.
Struggled with this one. No real point to it or outcome. Disappointed I‘m sorry to say
The first thought that strikes me as I consider my thoughts about this book is the understanding the author has of psychological disorders. She has clearly spent a lot of time reading up on OCD and the effects the condition has on sufferers and those close to them. This is not a light read but in saying that I did not feel overwhelmed by its content. Overall, an excellently written novel with complex characters. A strong 4/5 stars from me.
I really enjoyed this book everybody has secrets they keep hidden and things they regret having done. Feelings and thoughts are kept to themselves but is what they think really what happened all those years ago. A story of two families and how their lives entwine