#SisforSeptember Day 27: #ShowSomeSkin
I guess it‘s one of the many cliches surrounding romantic novels, regardless of whether it‘s paranormal, historical, contemporary or any other kind of romance...there‘s often some skin on the cover. As with most of the other cliches of the genre I don‘t really mind😉
This is my favorite of the Elder Races universe. I loved it. Sid is the perfect match for Morgan and the story is fabulous. Ms. Harrison knows how to write. This could be read as a stand alone, but it‘s richer with the other stories to supplement information.
Slow burning romance done right. For the first half of the book, Morgan and Sid don't even see each other. When things finally do start to steam up, it is so emotionally gripping, and sweet, and hot! Ahhh, love these two together. Their HEA does NOT come easy, and I was genuinely worried (and rooting) for Morgan and Sid until the very last page. Full Review: http://gwenmitchellfiction.com/review-spellbinder/
This one I liked very much. In fact it might be my favorite of Harrison's books. Wonderfully strong heroine who uses her strength and musical talent to stay safe and sane while in a terrible situation. A hero forced to do awful things for a cruel, selfish queen. They make a great team. #romantsy
We had lots of sun today after our non-stop rain yesterday, so I took Peri on a super long walk after work. Now I'm going to settle down with this book. #currentlyreading #romantsy
(Peri's playing dead. She does this every evening. She's an odd girl.)
My biggest problem with the book was the lack of explanation. If you intro a new creature or realm, you should have a little explanation of what it is. I spent too much time lost on how the world was set up. On the plus side, everything else was great about the novel.