Today‘s #150pnpcoverparty ‘s prompt, #sniffles, made me think of these two novels both set in 1980s NYC. Both have characters addicted to coke 👃 💦and excessive living 🍷 🥃🍸 .
Today‘s #150pnpcoverparty ‘s prompt, #sniffles, made me think of these two novels both set in 1980s NYC. Both have characters addicted to coke 👃 💦and excessive living 🍷 🥃🍸 .
They say to not use too many flashbacks in a book. This is an example of an author breaking the rules and making it work. This book, about Wall St in the 1980s, is one giant flashback. And it's amazing! The writing is superb!
#cocaine and drink and partying in 1980s Wall Street. This stockbroker loses his job and way of life (not really a spoiler). Good book, but I liked Goolrick's "A Reliable Wife" and "Heading Out to Wonderful" better.
I hate not finishing books. I feel an obligation once I start a book. I listened to this and got about half way through and couldn't do it anymore. I didn't like the narrator but also it didn't seem like a novel. It was more a stream of thought.
I should be reading Rushdie in advance of hearing him speak later this month. So, of course something else is calling to me from my bedside table.
This was an amazing audiobook. The gritty, gravelly narrator, combined with a page-turning narrative, creates a compelling read based on the realities of 80s Big Money lifestyles followed by a personal Big Crash. Interesting insight into a galvanized historical niche setting.