Is it just me or does this museum exhibit sound like the title of a Miranda July book? (Side note: it makes me so happy that there‘s a place like Litsy where someone might get this reference)
Is it just me or does this museum exhibit sound like the title of a Miranda July book? (Side note: it makes me so happy that there‘s a place like Litsy where someone might get this reference)
AirBNB win - A book nook pre-staged with a great book!
I wish this existed when I was a teenager - great reading for introverts or people with introverted children. And since this is an app for people who read all day...
Kids are away for the week, which means instead of rushing them to school (put your shoes on!) I get to luxuriate in a few lazy, book-filled mornings.
"In some ways it was the conventional clandestine affair in a place like San Bernadine, a place where little is bright or graceful, where it is routine to misplace the future and easy to start looking for it in bed."
My current real-life TBR stack, sorted by how long I have until the library sends a SWAT team through my window to reclaim it (I owe them $8 which is the library equivalent of like $10,000)
I've been on a big nonfiction kick lately. I have such a love/hate relationship with the genre - some of them you finish and think 'this whole thing could have fit on an index card.' I'm liking this one only because he asks every interviewee to recommend books - when the same book shows up 3 times or more it's a good sign that it's worth reading.
I have never EVER been this excited about a cook book. The pictures! The graphs! (For excel nerds: there is something called the avocado matrix in here)
The information in here is unlike any other cook book. Expect more exclamation points soon.
Everyone give a warm Litsy welcome to my good friend and new user @Leigh_Medeiros !
Since I don't have a cat - here's my latest read curled up in a patch of sunshine
Making the best of day four of being snowed in. Technically I'm not snowed in any more, but it's 15 degrees out and you can't make me leave the house today.
This book is at the house we're renting for New Years and it is SO COOL. No recipes, just fundamental techniques with really useful drawings
Merry Christmas to all my favorite internet people on Litsy! Here's a shot of my girls loving what Santa got them (I was hoping for a banana stand...)
When a book you bought your daughter at Target has you rethinking your year-end list...
In daily life I am always on the lookout for good names to use in a book. If a name can also double as a sentence, it makes the list!
Litsy challenge- I read everything I had on me (everything!) and I have a long flight tomorrow. Recommend something for me to read that might be in one of those airport book stores. Go!
Ah hotel reading, with its lack of distractions. Doing this one for a book club, anyone have any opinions on it?
Someone come to my house and do this to my bathroom. Seen at an amazing bookstore in Mass. owned by the writer of the "Wimpy kid" series.
This is what a reading slump looks like: me pulling out my favorite books and reading a paragraph here or there, leaving them littered around the house. Does anyone else do this?
Last Saturday I was honored to accept the Independent Publishers of New England award for best literary fiction book of 2017!!!
The best part: all of the judges are librarians. How cool is that?
When you want to warm your Dad's heart by reading a book but you also want to scare the bejesus out of him...
Litsy friends - I am over-the-moon excited to share that OAR is a finalist for the Independent Publishers of New England literary fiction book of the year. Winners will be announced in November. Thanks to everyone who's read, shared quotes and sent me messages: Litsy has been one of the best things that's ever happened to my writing and reading life. Cheers!
This one hit me harder than expected. So many of my life memories are mapped to Tom Petty songs. And there is no better wordplay in rock than when he rhymes 'tattoo' with 'a tattoo too'. RIP Petty
I spend my days reading fancy books, then put my kids to sleep, encounter this and think: "has there ever been a better sentence?"
Not #bookmail - even better: #maplemail from my Litsy pal @Suet624 ! Everyone needs at least one friend who lives near maple syrup 🍁 🍁
Within this bleak book there are these great little sparkling nuggets of humor, and you need them so badly.
This book. THIS BOOK
Another great Point St Reading series, probably the best group of 5 authors I've seen. My personal favorite was Girl in Snow, it had a Megan Abbot vibe.
When my wife passed me this book she told me she couldn't read it before bed; it gave her strange, frightening dreams. 70 pages in and I see why. What an achievement though.
Above is an artist's rendering of me reading the last five pages of this book. It really got me for some reason.
My wife has been telling me for months to read Ann Patchett, but other books kept popping up to the top of my stack. It got to the point where it was becoming an issue. So I picked this up and...surprise: she was right. I've read 250 pages the past two days.
I see a lot of people posting about #bookmarks today. I have a bunch left over from book promotions burning a hole in my pocket. For the next week or so, if you like my FB page or sign up for my email list I'll reach out to you and send you a handful of bookmarks to grace your collection. I only post when I have something fun to share. Links below:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/eamannwriter/
Email list: http://eepurl.com/b3XXdf
When we moved into our house, one of the first arguments my wife and I had was over whether I'd be allowed to show off my NES collection in the built-in bookshelves. I don't want to say I was right, but can you guess what 90% of our guests comment on when they enter the room?😉
This book is batting 1.000 right now, and by that I mean it's giving me one life affirming cry per story. Do not read in public if you have a macho image to uphold.
Book mail from the indefatigable book nut and Litsy-master @shawnmooney
I don't know what's cooler: the book itself or the fact that the SEA MAIL stamps and Japanese lettering make me feel like I'm living in a Wes Anderson movie.
Thanks Shawn!
Welp, this is why I don't read fiction while I'm working on my own stuff. I've spent the last three days jogging on the bike path basically trying to take all the words I've written, move them around and make them exactly like Olive Kitteredge. Because this book was so. damn. good.
It's been a while since I've done #thankawriter - I loved Leah Carroll's tone-perfect memoir, and her ability to describe my state of Rhode Island perfectly. I had to write her. And I'm happy to say she wrote a really nice note back. It really made my day. Ok - tag, you're it.
"Daddy why are you laughing?"
I've never read anything by Cusk but I came across this thrown-off quote in a New Yorker profile of her and it is straight up genius. Immediately ordering her last few books
Fun fact about me: when I'm having a bad writing day I try to loosen up my brain by thinking of the silliest possible essay titles
Early morning vibes at my friend's beach cottage.
Who wants to start an 80s cover band with me called "Hot Love on the Wing"?
Cozy early morning on the deck
Alright Litsy people- I'm at that point in writing my new book where I can't read fiction for a while because it influences me too much. In the past month I've written some bad Denis Johnson and some very bad DF Wallace. So bottom line: I need some nonfiction recommendations. I'll read anything.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there taking selfies with their daughters and largely uninterested swans.
You should never, ever, under any circumstances read this book. But listen: you've GOT to read this book.