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Cordelia's Honor
Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
8 posts | 16 read | 11 to read
In this two-part story, Cordelia Naismith, made an outcast after being forced into marriage with her arch enemy, finds further trouble when her husband is made the guardian of the infant heir to the imperial throne
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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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1. Elizabeth Bennet- for her intelligence and humor.
2. Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan- for her strength, courage and “badassness”
3. Sabriel - for her kindness, belief in others and perseverance.

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Love # 1 ❤️💯🥰 2y
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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Hopefully this is helpful!

1. Purple, blue, green.
2. Cats, tea, and yarn. Books, but that's a given.
3. How to pick? The Trumpet of the Swan for fave children's book. Cordelia's Honor for favorite adult.
4. Fantasy & SF, but I've been branching out. Been trying to read more diverse and translated books too!
5. Ginger. Blech.
6. I spin yarn. It's fun. (I'm allergic to alpaca.)
7. My goodreads is linked in my Litsy bio.
8. @erinreads

erinreads Right after I liked this, your like on Instagram popped up as an alert! 7y
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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold

"The really unforgivable acts are committed by calm men in beautiful green silk rooms, who deal death wholesale, by the shipload, without lust, or anger, or desire, or any redeeming emotion to excuse them but cold fear of some pretended future. But the crimes they hope to prevent in the future are imaginary. The ones they commit in the present - they are real."

readordierachel This resonates. 7y
Leniverse @ReadOrDieRachel Yes, it does, doesn't it. 😕 7y
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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Revisiting an old favourite.

Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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I'm slowly working my way through the Miles Vorkosigan series, a sprawling space opera. The main character was the victim of a biological assassination attempt in utero (directed at his father), so he has many physical problems & is under 5 feet tall in a society that has little patience for physical imperfections. He is super wily & snarky, and uses his wits to maneuver his way through impossible situations. #inagalaxyfarfaraway #maybookflowers

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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold

My OTP: Aral and Cordelia.

Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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An old favourite: Cordelia from the Vorgosigan Saga. Miles never realises how awesome his mother is in the first two books/dual feature. Ripley from Aliens has nothing on this woman. And a new favourite: Alana from Saga gives birth and then walks for 3 days, has a nap sitting up, and then walks some more, this time carrying both her wounded husband and their child. You just can't get any tougher than that. #KickassHeroines #SeasonsReadings2016

[DELETED] 546088815 2 great heroines! 8y
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Cordelia's Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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#booktober Day 20: #unforgettablewomen
Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan will always be my hero. I want to be her when I grow up.

xicanti Hell yeah. 8y
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