Loved this 2nd book of the series...you develop bonds with the characters really quickly!
Loved this 2nd book of the series...you develop bonds with the characters really quickly!
#readingresolutions day 11 #waves @Jess7
I'm sticking with an Abarat theme, and using book 2 from the series, because it's just so good! Throughout the series, a decent portion of it takes place on a boat, sailing between the islands that represent the hours of the day. So there are plenty of waves mentioned and illustrated!
I relate to this so much. Especially when I started to read Abarat: Days of Magic Nights of War.
I decided to treat myself to lunch and books in the park on this beautiful day!
God, these Clive Barker books are wonderful. I mean, LOOK at that illustration. 👌 I'm nervous to read the third book; people say there's a major cliffhanger and a lot of reviews on Goodreads are full of disappointment...has anyone on here read Absolute Midnight?