Apparently engrossing for the age group (6th grade), because my daughter is less than half way thru this one and has requested the whole series for her shelves. Library copies need not apply. 😏
Apparently engrossing for the age group (6th grade), because my daughter is less than half way thru this one and has requested the whole series for her shelves. Library copies need not apply. 😏
Does it still count as meeting my reading goal if some of these are audiobooks? 🤓
“U guys want 2 come over for ice cream sundaes in my backyard?!”
I think children would enjoy this book, especially in this day and age, because it is a story told in text messages between a group of friends. At the end of the book, the author has included a glossary with text message “lingo” and what each word stands for.
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
This is a story that is told in “text message bubbles” which I thought was a different, but fun idea to portray the story.
Middle of the night feeding reading. Maybe my granddaughter will enjoy this series someday.
The second book in this series, which I read first, was better than this one imo. But I can still see this being a pick for tween girls.
Book 92/165 3/8/19
Such a cute concept for #mgfiction. Everything in texts with the occasional email or note passed in class. This was second in a series but I was able to jump right into it not knowing anything about the first.
Book 83/90 3/2/19
#tbrwrapup #januarytbr. Since January is almost over I‘m going to do a quick look back. These are not all the books I read in January. A few I actually read aren‘t listed here. Hearts are for what I actually finished from my tbr list and skulls are either for my DNFed or ones I didn‘t get to. Crowns are currently reading. Since I already read both of them, I‘m not in as big of a hurry but I really should have finished HP 😅
Well that was a super fast read. I can‘t decide if I have a headache or not from reading 6th grade girls text messages. 😂 it‘s a great book for that age group and touches on cyber bullying and over use of cell phones as the sole means of communication.
Writing by day, researching by night! #NaNoWriMo My library holds came in just in time. I‘m hoping to use them as inspiration and guidance. Interestingly two of the books are titled To Be Honest. 🤷🏼♀️