Forgot to post my September reads!
July reading wrap-up! Tagged the book that is the missing cover because it was one of my favorite reads of the month and deserves to be on the list for sure!
Major book slump this month...
Back at it tomorrow! 😁
Ugly cried while finishing this today, and my baby brought me tissues, and cuddled me through it.
Feeling like the luckiest Momms ever. ❤️
January recap! Vicious and the Whispering Dead topped out as favorites for the month. 👍
I may have missed her when she was in Williamstown a few years ago, but buying this made me feel better. 😁🤓📚
This has been the absolute worst year of my life... For a variety of reasons that I'm not really ready to talk about yet. I suppose that it makes sense that this would also be the year I crush my reading goal by reading/listening to 104 books vs my goal of 52. There is a definite appeal in escaping into 104 different books to distract/relate/ just enjoy. I'm both proud of myself, and sad at the same time. 2020 can be over any time now. 😭
I read a book recently with a 34 year old widow as the main character. As a recent widow myself, I found some similarities with her. Throughout the book the refer to her support group as Wine with Widows. Tonight I came home to this package dropped off by one of my close friends. It gave me a much needed laugh. ❤😂
When nothing else is going right in life, at least I know I'm killing my reading goal for the year. 😕
I read a whole book in one day! I work a lot and have 2 kids, so I can't tell you the last time this happened, but it definitely made my day! 😁
This passage made me laugh a little since I'm reading a rom-com, and listening to Pet Sematary. 😂🤓
This movie freaked me out so much as a 10 year old! Attempting to listen to it now. Is it ridiculous to feel brave in a situation like this???? 😂
Ahhh!!! Help! I've gone down the rabbit hole I think! I keep getting Kindle Unlimited recommendations that sound good through Amazon, but I already have 10 books on my waitlist! 😭😭😭
I FINALLY found it! I loved this book in my younger years, and have thought of it often as an adult. I remember borrowing it from the library often. It took some searching, but I finally found a copy. One more book to read for my July reading challenge, and then I can't wait to settle in with this one. ❤❤❤
Listening to this on Audible and really enjoying it! Super funny! 🤣👍
My first book in my July reading club challenge: Mostly black cover.
Just me, a dwindling fire, my book, and the sound of some trains echoing through the mountains. 😍❤🥰
Haha, anyone else use their Boppy pillow like this once they were done breastfeeding, or just me.... ? 😂
I do not need a new paperwhite just because it comes in green
I do not need a new paperwhite just because it comes in green
I do not need a new paperwhite just because it comes in green. 🙄💚💚💚🙄
Glad I finally listened to this! I've had it as a physical book on my shelf for a while, and just never seemed to find the time for it. It was a cute story. 😊
Surprising a friend of mine with a book! Hopefully she likes it. 😊😍🤓
Having the kind of day where my Libby app doesn't work and I have to reinstall it just to listen to my current audiobook. 😒
I SUPER love it when one of my favorite authors comments on my posts! 🤗
Learning how to balance all my reading between Kindle, Glose, and some Google free books that were recommended to me. #remainderof2020 #challengeaccepted 😀👍
In other news, I made my 2020 reading goal by June 3rd. (At the pace I was going, I was hoping for June 1st, but beggars can't be choosers, can they? 😂)
Still super happy either way. Yes, this is a mix of audiobooks, books, and rereads, but it's still way more than I have made it through in years. I can't wait to see what the rest of 2020 brings! 🎉📚🤓
I wish Audible had more ways to track your progress, so I could more easily update my progress in Goodreads.... is that too much to ask?!
I love Eli Wallach's narration though! 😍
I do so love it when pre-orders get automatically delivered. 😍😍😍
Switching gears here after a really long run of romances. I love Jennifer McMahon! ❤
Unexpected Saturday off means I get to start this now instead of 10 hours from now! 😁❤
Lining up the finale to start on my drive home tonight! 😍
That great moment when an author you love likes a comment you left of their post! 😍
I wasn't totally alone since my son was upstairs asleep, but I did snag about 35 minutes of just me and my book time this morning while my husband and stepdaughter took a walk. I can't remember the last time that happened! 😊❤😊📚
Haha, saw this yesterday and got a good chuckle out of it. 😂💁♀️
Quarter 1 recap!
I made it through 29 books so far this year! I was hoping for an even 30, but considering my goal for the whole year is 52, I can't really be upset about already having made it through 29. 🤓📚😁💁♀️
I work retail, so most days I'm busy being essential. Today, I am happy to say that I am home, doing my social distancing with my book. ❤
The sad moment where I realize I have only read 17 books off of this list! 😭
Looks like I have some work to do... 🤓
Finishing this up, then on to the next book in the series! 🤓📚🍵
Really appreciating the fact that I didn't hand my old Kindle down when I upgraded. Now I can keep reading while the other one charges! 🤓
I may have a problem? 🤦♀️
Having a little bit more trouble with this one than with the previous three. I'm not sure if that is due to the story itself, or the quiet disaster my home life is at the moment. Finding the moments that give me the promise of the next book, and powering through. 😊
I ended up deciding on re-uping my Audible subscription so that I could keep up with the series. I watched the movie tonight, but it didn't satisfy any of my curiousity because I felt like they left so much out!
That moment when you finish one audiobook, and then discover that the next one in the series isn't available for WEEKS! 😭😭😭