ugh…the button on the right always wins…struggle is hella real lmao 🤣 #readinglife
ugh…the button on the right always wins…struggle is hella real lmao 🤣 #readinglife
i would have a sleepping one too lol #funnies
halloween is almost here 🎃👻🎃 #spookyseason
this literally made me laugh out loud…excited for the short work week nxt wk too… #happyfriday #laughsallaround
one of my favorite fairytales growing up #funnies #saturdaymorningvibes
readers gonna read lol…but he is lucky i rarely buy books…i mostly borrow from the library for both ebooks and audiobooks #readinglife
I look forward to the movie or series adaptations…I try to experience and enjoy the book and movie separately… #readinglife
in honor of super bowl sunday… #footballtime #justhereforsnacks #cantwaittoseeusher
my weekend since its raining and cold here… #pocketsofslow #readinggoal #readinglife
1st funnies post of 2024
i do miss that guy popping up on the screen #xmasfunnies
what do i do with my extra hour well its read of course #bookworm #readinggoal #lovetheextrahour
halloween is just around the corner…excited and sad at the same time…october just flew by this year… #halloweenishere #sundayscaries #funnyhaha
lol im pretty sure everyone here can relate #trickortreat #halloweenishere #funnyhaha
for reals tho…amirite lol #goawayimreading #struggleisreal
its time for some Halloween funnies #halloweenishere #spookyseason #funnyhaha
it is hooooot cant wait for the heat wave said no one ever 😂 this is literally me just cant seem to stay awake to read lately #readinglife #readinggoal #notafanofsummer
a little late but here i go…hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of july especially our fur babies
survived another hectic workweek…cant wait for the long weekend and looking forward to the short workweek #weekendvibes #
the weekend goes by so fast… #mondayeveblues #readinglife #sundayscaries
counting down the minutes before starting out another work week #sundayscaries #mondayeveblues
counting down the hours until its back on the grind 😭 #weekendistooshort #needmore3daysweekends
1st work week after day light savings time #struggleisreal #sundayblues
merry grinchmas 🎄 #merrychristmas #holidayseason
happy christmas eve #holidays
with xmas being around the corner thought this was cute lol #holidayseason
getting ready for bed and for monday #mondayeveblues
in honor of the time change lol #wegetanextrahour #fallback #readyforsweaterweather
vampire funnies #iwanttosuckyourblood
something funny on #mondayeveblues