Adrian McKinty does it again, really love the character in this book, but he certainly went through sone trials and tribulations. Could have well been called An Irishman in Harlem. Look forward to getting to the second book in the series.
Adrian McKinty does it again, really love the character in this book, but he certainly went through sone trials and tribulations. Could have well been called An Irishman in Harlem. Look forward to getting to the second book in the series.
Started a new audiobook, that I am reading for the #sharreadathon and #KickTheSlump Readathon.
First I was a bit annoyed about the massive cliches about an Irish lad escaping the old country to stay in NYC. Then I grew to like the story on all its bitterness and hopelessness. Those were the days of N Ireland and the NY connection. Who can you trust? Not many. Gangs, killings, not expecting to survive. Kill or get killed. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Yes! Been looking for this trilogy, but haven‘t been able to get my hand on these books, but now due to the National Emergency Library I can finally read them 🙂