#ItsASmallWorld Day 11: #WinnieThePooh
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a ride through the Hundred Acre Wood. And perhaps a small smackerole 🍯
#ItsASmallWorld Day 11: #WinnieThePooh
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a ride through the Hundred Acre Wood. And perhaps a small smackerole 🍯
I saw this image and just had to share because it made me audibly “awww”. I love Winnie the Pooh so much.
1) Winnie was always there 😋
2) 🍟
3) meditation music (helps me sleep 😴)
4) Guilty Pleasures
5) @Bostonmomx2 Grease is an awesome movie 🎥 😋
#FRIYAYINTRO @jesshowbooks
Congratulations to @theresidentromantic - & thanks for your generous #almosttheregiveaway!
I‘ve chosen Pooh as my favorite Disney character. Frankly, he‘s an inspiration. Just LOOK at that body positivity! 😍🍯 I aspire to be that comfortable with myself, where I can look in the mirror while wearing a half-shirt & no pants and have that reaction. 😅
I can't restrain myself! 🙈🙈🙈 These lovely books jumped right into my cart today. I'll be rereading the picture books for the #ThrowbackReadathon and then passing them on to my cousins little boy on his 1st birthday! I couldn't pass up the Little Gold Books. ❤️ So many memories! ☺️☺️☺️
(Also, I need all these picture books to help me reach my annual goal of 500😏)