First full day of spring and we are going to get a over a foot of snow! I will be spending the morning getting caught up on my cases studies (RSV and Flu). The the afternoon of reading or audio reading! #snowinspring #snowday #snowdayreading
First full day of spring and we are going to get a over a foot of snow! I will be spending the morning getting caught up on my cases studies (RSV and Flu). The the afternoon of reading or audio reading! #snowinspring #snowday #snowdayreading
I am on spring break this week despite yesterday‘s 10 inches of snow and power outage. I am trying to get caught up on lectures for my Infectious Disease course. We have left the realm of bacteria and are on to viruses. HepB and HIV are done. Today Epstein-Barr and Coxsackie. Virus are definitely not as fun as bacteria! #springbreak #workbreak
This morning my Gus wants to help with lecture prep. Up next tick-borne diseases! Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. #gusthepug #dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy
This weekend class prep bacterial STDs. Gross!
Today‘s lecture prep for tomorrow, gastrointestinal infections. Ulcers, diarrhea, and autoimmune reactions. #microbiologyrocks
Thanks to the Eagles Super Bowl parade classes are canceled and I can prep another case study for my infectious disease class. Today is Salmonella typhi. Sonny the mutt is helping. #dogslovereading
My #litsy handle is MicrobeMom because the two most important things in my life are being a mom to two gorgeous loving fun kids and being a Microbiology college professor. I love both and are essential to my current self identity. My real name is the very American 1980s Stacey! #lovinglitsy #newtolitsy
Today‘s class prep is Pnuemococcus! Tomorrow‘s lecture@is going to be fun!
My prof hat is on today! Reading for teaching. Did you know ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection? #readingforwork #workcanbefun